Thursday, April 28, 2011

The P90X Challenge

My sister got P90X for her birthday in November. We've both wanted to do it, but we just hadn't motivated ourselves yet. Tuesday night after I woke up from a nap Elise asked me if I wanted to join her for a round of P90X. I agreed. We did the second disc of twelve (it is named "Polymetrics"). With the twelve discs, I feel like I won't get bored of it which has always been the issue with my work outs.

Today, I am still sore and it has only been one actual work out. It has been two entire days. I can't go up or down stairs without being in pain. When I sit down, I basically just fall into my chair to avoid straining my poor muscles. It has been an awful experience thus far. But I have some great people that I have talked to about it to keep me going. Everyone tells me that P90X works if you just stick with it and I don't doubt it from the amount of pain I'm feeling.

I know someone who has lost 30 pounds doing it. I know another person, who is tiny to begin with, who has lost 17 pounds and she's on day 60. I am ready to lose the weight and get to a happy size. I'm going to blog about my P90X once a week, every thursday for the 90 days and hopefully, I'll like the results enough to post the before photos... But for now! You'll just have to be happy with the P90X ad photo from Google.

What have you done for your fitness goals? Please share!

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