Finish Date: 3 November 2012
1. Save $5,000
2. Get a scholarship
4. Get a full time job
5. Put 1$ in the travel jar for every task completed
7. Donate 1$ for every goal I do not complete
8. Get into university
9. A minimum of a 75% average
10. Take a recreational class
11. Attend university
13. Recertify my lifeguarding
14. Make a list of 10 books I want to read
15. Read the Book of Mormon
16. Get in the habit of daily prayer
18. Make a list of those talks in the order of which affected me most
19. Mark my scriptures at least once every day for 3 weeks
20. Learn about another religion
21. A-Z reasons of why I love being Mormon
22. Spend an entire day reading the scriptures
24. Graduate from seminary
25. Read a book by a General Authority
27. Get to my goal weight
28. Run a race
31. Give blood
33. Do the hundred push up challenge
Performing/Artistic Skills:
35. Sing a solo
36. Paint a painting
38. Make a ridiculously good-looking dessert
Travel/Sight Seeing:
44. Visit the Grand Canyon
46. Make a picture book with pictures from my vacation
47. Spend a day in Ottawa’s Parliament
48. Go geocaching with my family
49. Spend a day picking strawberries and making jam
50. Learn to cook a fancy meal
51. Keep room clean/organized for 2 weeks straight
52. Make cookies and deliver them to someone
55. Do a photo shoot of someone
56. Make a nice dinner for some people I love
57. Memorize a Shakespearian passage
58. Take a picture of myself everyday for 50 days and make a video of it
60. Get a pair of jeans on sale
62. Learn how to make apple sauce
Personal Challenges:
63. Get my ears pierced65. Get artwork for every song on my computer
66. Write 5 letters to people who have changed my life
67. Write a missionary once a month for 2 years
68. Make a list of 100 things that make me happy
70. Reverse pick-pocket someone
72. Wear my hair straight everyday for 1 week
73. Unplug for a week – no cell phone, laptop, TV or facebook
74. Keep a gratitude journal for a week
75. Keep a dream journal for a month
77. Do my laundry biweekly for 3 months
79. Make my bed every day for a week
80. Replace the photos in my room with new ones
81. Buy a camera to document every task on this list
New Experiences:
83. Do one of the following: hot air balloon, sky diving, bungee jumping
84. Try 3 foods from different countries
85. Watch the sunset and sunrise in one night
87. Write myself a letter to open in 10 years
88. Leave a letter in a library book
91. Go horseback riding
92. Send a secret to PostSecret
93. Buy something on Etsy
96. Get a mani/pedi
98. Go on a picnic
Organization Skills:
100. Post on my blog for every task I complete