Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 7: Sales, Embryos & Embarrassing Sunburns.

Mom finally bought some clothes! Such a great successful day! But lets start from the very beginning... A very good place to start.

We had another lazy morning yesterday. I got up extremely early, 6:30am, because my face was killing me! Every time I rolled over in my bed, put my face on my pillow or just moved in general, my face hurt. It was awful. Then when I finally accepted the fact that I wasn't getting any more sleep, I went downstairs to hang out with my parents. Once I had had breakfast, I went to get ready... And put on a tone of make up to cover up my sunburn as best as I could. I was really embarrassed and didn't really want to leave the house. We then decided that today was Provo Day. We were going to go shopping, pop by the BYU bookstore, do a drive by of the MTC and go to the Provo Temple to get some pictures. I also had some friends in Provo that I wanted to visit. After our lazy morning, however, we didn't get out of the house until 11:30am.

It was only Colin, Mom, Dad and I today. Andre was feeling better and Daniel had an awful sunburn - his face was actually swollen. So they were ready to spend the day in the apartment and play Andre's new xbox 360. The younger boys were all set up for a day of gaming and we went off into town. We stopped at the Missionary Mall and picked up some ties and shirts for the boys. Mom and I went to the Sister Missionary Mall, she was being extremely difficult. In her defence, the clothes there were not as nice as I would have liked either. But we left with a gorgeous lace, brown skirt. Other than that, the store was a bust.

We then decided to go to Coney's Frozen Custard. The funny thing about this was that mom was saying how much she hated custard as we were walking to the Sister Missionary Mall. That it was always inconsistent and there were little chunks in it... Well, let me tell you. She loved frozen custard. It was smooth and much much better than ice cream. Dad and Colin split a chilli dog and a peanut butter sundae. Mom and I got a turtle pecan sundae which was SO delicious. I definitely love frozen custard. It was love at first bite. The first bite was in Nauvoo on a hot summer's day, after a long day of touring and learning. It was amazing and definitely cooled me off. Nauvoo is not only hot, but humid. It's sweaty and sticky and awful. It's more humid than Toronto - that's super humid, if you ask me.

Once that was finished, we decided it was time to head to BYU. But on our way there, I saw the store Nordstrom that was recommended to me by not one, but two people back home. I told dad to let us go in. Mom and I went in and it's about the size of a Sears or The Bay... But so much nicer! The service there was amazing and it was actually just classy. I was so impressed. My mom had so much success. She found another skirt, three shirts, a dress, a cardigan, a coat and a swimsuit! It was definitely a shopping spree and if you know my mom, you know that she hates shopping. She's picky and gets discouraged when she doesn't find everything she wants in the first store we go into. Obviously this store was a great success. The dress that she bought is going to be worn at a wedding that's coming up in a few months. Now, when I zipped her up and she turned around we were both in shock. She looked amazing. I'm really excited for her to wear it out! She's going to look so good. Her swimsuit also looked great, basically everything she found looked amazing. I'm so excited for her, because she never spends money on clothes for herself.

After that, Colin came to find us because there was a 50% off sale at Aeropostale that he wanted to go to. He got so much new clothes. Shirts, shorts - preparing for summer. I wanted to get some stuff for myself but the shirts just weren't fitting right. Then we went to another store for Colin where I found an extremely cute necklace. I was bored though, none of the clothes there suited me. I went off to Forever XXI and looked around. Again, nothing that suited me. It was just not my day for shopping. Finally, I found my parents and Colin on the way into American Eagle. I finally found a pair of pants that I liked!

After that, I went off to my friend Josh's party. It was an embryo party. Yes, that's right. An embryo party. We watched the movie Embryo. I asked when it was made and Josh said 2007... Liars go to hell, Josh. It was probably made around the same time as The Sound of Music. It was kind of an odd movie. Then Noelle got to the party, a friend from EFY that I have kept in touch with over the years. She brought me my pillow that I left at her residence room after staying there a night back in October. She took good care of it while it was there. It even matched her bed spread. We talked a bit, enjoyed some tasty jell-o embryos and fetuses. Just as we sat down to enjoy the movie, my dad texted me telling me that the party was over and I had to leave. I got a photo with them before I left for the second time in 6 months. Just as I was leaving, Josh looked at the photo and said "you look like a raccoon." That is what made me not want to leave the house this morning. I knew Josh would make fun of my stupid sunburn. And I told him I knew he would. We laughed, hugged and Noelle and I left. We took her back to her residence on the BYU Campus. She needed to call someone to find out the address of her residence. It was Brent! Another member of our EFY group! I said a quick hello and a quick goodbye. I also told him to have a great mission and that I'd see him, eventually, after he got home. When I said that he was like "Wow, that's scary!"
The baby fetuses that Josh so kindly made for us... A little weird to eat. Can't lie. 
After I left my friends, I got back in the car and headed home with my parents and Colin. We got home late at night and I was TIRED. Mom showed off her purchases to the rest of the family, and I tried on my new spanx. Then I got into my pyjamas and crashed in my mom's bed. No blogging was done last night. This morning we're going to do everything on Temple Square. It's going to be a busy day.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your Sound of Music reference at the beginning ;) Also... jello fetuses?? that's very strange, not going to lie...


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