Thursday, April 21, 2011

What comes next?

I've come to terms with the fact that I won't be attending university in the fall... But what am I to do now? It seems that it is near impossible for me to find a job that works with my talents or skills, or just a full time job in general. I don't know if I should temporarily give up on the university aspiration and just go to college for Social Work. Perhaps, take more night school courses, summer school courses... I feel like I'm sitting at a crossroads with no map, or guidance.

I don't doubt good things will happen in my life... I'm just wondering what I should be doing to get to the greatness. I know I have potential, but how do I reach it. I feel like I'm being wasted as a human resource. There are so many things that I want to achieve and it feels like there is opposition in every direction.

So, I'm broadcasting to anyone within the realms of facebook, blogger and twitter...

What do you think I should do next? 

P.S. You can ALL comment on the actual blog, just make sure you're not commenting anonymously. Fill in your name before you submit your comment!

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