Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A very merry unbirthday!

Yesterday, I finally received the package I've been waiting for for about a week. I opened it immediately after the post man was out of sight.

What was it? Is what you may be wondering.

Well, let me tell you a little story. January 5th is my best friend Brittany's birthday. I didn't go out with her that day, or that week for that matter because I was laying on my couch with a glass of ginger ale and saltine crackers. It was not a fun birthday, let me tell you. I felt like the worst best friend a girl could have, I missed her BIRTHDAY! So I quickly started brainstorming for amazing late birthday gifts. Then a week or so later, I found on my mac that I could make photo books! You drag and drop the photos into place, write some captions and voila! You have a professionally made scrapbook (for half the price!) I was so excited. I went to Brittany's house many times to steal photos from her so that the photos in the book were high quality. She thought I just wanted them so that I could print them for my room, HA!

Her reaction to reading the book was so priceless! :)
Then I wondered what I would put on the cover or in the actual book... 10 things I love about you. HOW GENIUS?! So, in the picture above, you can see that I wrote her a little note just explaining the book. After I had decided on the 10 things I love about you theme, I wondered what I would write. I decided to find quotes that were suitable for all the qualities I admire in my best friend.

A picture of Brittany and the actual book.
After the book had arrived and was opened, I called Brittany and told her that I finally had her birthday present. She was extremely excited and came right after work. I had to force her to wait to open it so I could get a camera. But I guess after our family's trip to Utah, no one charged the cameras... It took forever, so I just let her open it without the camera. We took pictures afterwards though!

These are the quotes that I put with her top 10 qualities. If you don't have a mac, there are plenty of websites that you can do this from.

1. You are beautiful. 
It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.

2. You always try to do the right thing.
God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless. - Chester W. Nimitz

3. You have a great sense of humour.
Oops. In my excitement of seeing an attractive person, I forgot it was my reflection.

4. You have good taste in music. 
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

5. You have a great testimony. 
A testimony is not thrust upon you; a testimony grows. We become taller in testimony like we grow taller in physical stature; we hardly know it happens because it comes by growth. - Boyd K. Packer

6. You are ambitious.
 I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day. - Abraham Lincoln

7. You are a good example. 
Someone is watching and that's a fact, someone will copy the way you act, so make this your motto and put it to use, be someone's example and not their excuse. 

8. You are thoughtful. 
A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

9. You are kind.
Great persons are able to do great kindnesses. - Miguel de Cervantes

10. You are a good friend.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. - Author Unknown  

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