Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 6: A Slippery Slope

I woke up at about 7am today. I never get up at 7am. Ever. I stay up late and wake up late. It's just how I like to work. So I stumbled into the shower and got ready for skiing... which really means got back into my pyjamas. I got into the car after checking to make sure that my gear wasn't moved after yesterday's disappointments. However my brother's did not do the same and we had to go back to the house to discover that Colin's hat and mitts were still in the car.

So frustrating.

We drove to the mountain and found that the road the GPS suggested we take is closed during the winter. Yay! So we got to turn around and go all the way around the mountain...

So frustrating.

Did I mention I was frustrated when I got to the mountain? Andre was still sick. My parents thought it would be best for him to come along so that he could join us, if he felt better later on in the day. He ended up staying in the car all day. Poor kid. He started feeling a little better when we got home today after having some ginger ale. Ginger ale is heaven's blessing for sick people. I'm convinced. I was sick about a month ago and I'm pretty sure that's all I drank. All I ate was saltine crackers. Best diet.

Once we got to the mountain, it was just unbelievable. It was so beautiful, no pictures could ever do it justice. But I did try to get some good ones. It was also remarkably warm. There was so much snow and it was such mild weather. Mind boggling. When I go skiing at home for an hour, I'm freezing and that's only on a little hill! I had my jacket unzipped and had to ditch my scarf. I almost left my coat in the car too, but I didn't want to fall and get all wet.

Some of the highlights of the day:
Click to enlarge any photos.
- Going down the first slope and watching Colin do somersaults and landing flat on his face.
This isn't this specific incident, but he did fall here. it works.
- Colin trying to go pee on the edge of one of our runs and falling into the ditch. I was laughing so hard and had to go pee so badly that I had to dance around a bit to avoid peeing myself.
Yepp, that yellow snow is pee. 
- The views. Oh my gosh. If you ever get the chance to ski or snowboard in Utah. DO IT!
It's so much better in person, but this photo is nice!
- Daniel standing on the edge of a double black diamond to get pictures. I was having a heart attack. "STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE!" Honestly, it looked like if he fell backwards, he would have fallen into the pits of hell. That is how steep this slope was.
Can you see why I was freaking out?
- My mom snatching my camera out of my hands when we were on the lift. I almost cried. I was being so careful. She was not allowed to hold the camera without having the strap around her wrist. AND SHE JUST TOOK IT! It was awful. But after realizing that my precious camera was not plummeting to its icy death, I was okay.
I was freaking out.

- Going to get groceries with my mom. P.S. No Philadelphia cream cheese dips here... Disappointing. I was craving so hard.
None of this... :(
- Getting a fresh, classic Wonderland sunburn, in April... Sunglasses lines all over my face. I'm so embarrassed.

- Taking pictures with Colin in front of those giant snow banks I mentioned yesterday.

We had lunch in the cafeteria and it was surprisingly busy because when you're skiing you might see like 3 other people. It's so great! We got some chicken tenders, onion rings and french fries - meal for champions, right? I also had some problems with my ski boots. They were too tight and were cutting off the circulation. I went up the lift after the first run and after adjusting them once already, in absolute PAIN. It hurt so much. I am not someone who gets shin splints or cramping in general. I hated my life for about 10 minutes (not exaggerating) while I went up the lift. Once I got to the top, I popped off my skis and a nice guy heard me complaining and told me to undo all of my bindings and loosen them all. That being fixed, I enjoyed the rest of my day skiing.

I also got some one on one time with my dad when my mom and brothers decided to go down a black diamond. My exact words were... Hell. No. So we took a blue down to the lift and waited for them to come down. It felt like a year ago and we were in Utah again together. Just some daddy-daughter time. I actually love my dad. He gets me. I'm a daddy's girl. What can I say? Hanging out with him was a good time. I also got some really great pictures of him. I may hack into his facebook and make it his profile picture without him knowing. I've done it for my mother before.

After skiing, we went to go pick up some sick people food for Andre. My dad went into the store and everyone else waited outside. When he came out he had bought himself a bottle of pop. He sat in the front seat next to me and opened it. It sprayed all over him. It looked like he had peed himself. So my mom and I hopped out of the car and took a picture with him.
She should buy a shirt that says "I'm with stupid"
Anyways, I'm dying. My knees are killing me, my face is so hot and sensitive and my right quad was cramping up after avoiding an edge from the very top of the mountain. The slopes were slippery and had much MUCH longer runs than my Toronto born-and-raised self is used to. It was totally worth it, by the way.

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