Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 5: A Day of Dissapointments

Today was a day where absolutely nothing worked out. My mom told me that apparently this always happens to her and my dad when they travel together. Our plans for today included: skiing. That was it. Go to a nice hill and ski all day long until we just couldn't ski no more. But we are on vacation, so we should have a slow morning. Sleep in, get bribed out of bed by delicious breakfast, the usual vacation stuff.

Once we finally got out of the house, we all piled into the car and drove into the city to go skiing. We got close to Park City, I noticed that there was a sign on a shops window saying they sold discount lift tickets! Intrigued, my dad went inside. Good news: they did in fact sell discounted lift tickets. Bad news: Not to Park City. The gentleman who spoke to my father however mentioned a store that did sell them. It was about a 20 minute drive. We all decided that it was in our best interest to drive there and save the money on lift tickets.

Finally we got to this store, we realized that the lift tickets and rentals were way cheaper than anywhere around. We got a night lift ticket, a morning ticket for the next day AND our rentals for... drum role, please! 700 dollars. Now, keep in mind that this is for 6 people. It came to about 115 dollars per person. That is only a bit more than it costs to go in Toronto and these are mountains we're skiing on. Not bunny hills. So, we gladly spent all of our allotted ski money at this store and loaded our skis and snowboards into our car. Once we got in the car, Andre announced that he wasn't feeling so hot. We went to a pharmacy and picked him up some drugs to make him cheer up and to help him get doped up.

We then drove to the mountain. Note: I did not say ski hill. I said mountain. This ski "hill" was in fact a gigantic mountain. The snow banks were the size of two cars piled on top of each other... HOW? It was mind blowing, so much so I did not think of taking a picture. Brilliance at it's finest, people! Once we arrived at the hill, we parked our car and decided that it would be best to eat our lunches in the car before going up to ski. My dad returned to the car with more news. Good news: It was Monday, family home evening. Now, I expected the bad news to be "it's extremely busy because every one is here to ski together as a family." But... Bad news: The mountain closes early on Mondays. Why? Family Home Evening. This is when everyone in the car agreed that it was a "only in Utah" moment. We all asked the question - what if people want to go skiing as a family? WHAT THEN?

Sigh... Disappointing.

We then went to the grocery store and picked up some more food for our kitchen. I also got some hair product in my desperate attempt to fix my hair. It's really the only thing that I'm extremely vain about. Deal with it. My hair just cannot be a mess. Ever. I don't really care about the clothes I wear out in public, if I'm wearing make up or not, etc. My only thing is my hair. It's been driving me crazy. Anyways, groceries + hair product. Great success! I also picked up a box of trix cereal for my friend who is so infatuated with them. It's almost ridiculous.

As we cruised along I cracked open a glass bottle of root beer. Glass bottles of root beer are SOO DELICIOUS. It's superior root beer. I love root beer normally... But this surpasses any tap or plastic bottled root beer. It was so great, it has been chosen for the photo of this post.
Epic, right?
We got some pies while we were out too. When we got home, we devoured half of them. So delicious! I love pie. Andre, however, was still not feeling well so he went straight to bed. The rest of us watched dancing with stars and other great things. Those other great things being the news. I was done after about 10 minutes of the news, so I bade my family goodnight and came upstairs to begin blogging for the day. Andre got up and went to the bathroom. All of a sudden, all I could hear was him throwing up. Daniel was all over it and called my dad to aid. Dad went into sergeant, general and captain mode. Get me water, get me a new garbage bag, STAT! He has clearly done this many times. Take a moment to appreciate your parents who have watched you throw up when you were sick. I couldn't even listen. I'm going to be a great mom...

Immediately after all that had been dealt with, our entire family gathered in my parent's room for Andre to be blessed. As I watched my dad and brother, Colin, place their hands on Andre's head, I felt absolute bliss. We all know the miracles of God and how greatly we've been blessed, especially to just be able to take this trip together, to strengthen our testimonies together. I know that blessings work and that God hears and answers our prayers. I have had my prayers answered way too many times to ignore this truth. I love this gospel and I'm so glad I've had this opportunity to come to conference with my family. I hope that Andre will have a speedy recovery and I know that his health will be restored. I just hope that his illness is not passed on to any of our other family members! Now, it's time to sleep - I'm getting up early tomorrow for skiing. Wish me luck!

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