Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Starbucks Stall Incident

On Tuesday, I went skating with a couple of friends. After skating, we decided it would be fun to go warm up with some hot chocolate at Starbucks. It was fun to chat and trade funny stories.

We had been in Starbucks for at least 2 hours. I naturally had to excuse myself to use the little girl's room and off I went for the adventure of the century.

At this particular Starbucks, the way they had the bathrooms were the little boy's/little girl's/big accessibility combo pack. So, basically I was going to have a small apartment to myself to do my business. I chose the one to my left, pushed the door open, looked inside and saw...

A boy.

And by boy I mean young-man-in-close-proximity-to-my-age-to-the-point-of-extreme-discomfort.

For a few seconds, I stared like a deer in headlights. Trying to process what was happening in front of me. Then I started to smile and I covered my mouth. I swear it was similar to something from Just For Laughs: Gags. It took me some time to process what was happening right before my eyes. This was a solid 5 seconds, if you have absolutely no imagination. The boy was finishing his business, I hadn't developed an escape route, he hadn't heard me at this point and he was turning around.

I acted quickly in closing the door, probably not very quietly...

Then... I ran like a maniac to the bathroom across the hall. Closed the door (completely) and resisted the urge to text my friends who were only a few feet away from what had just happened.

I had a minor freak out and waited for the person I had just peeped on to leave the bathroom. I then sat down at my friends' table and informed them that due to the events that had just transpired in the lavatory that we had to leave immediately.

They ignored me... We kept talking in Starbucks for another hour or so.

I may or may not be shameless.

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