Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Starbucks Stall Incident

On Tuesday, I went skating with a couple of friends. After skating, we decided it would be fun to go warm up with some hot chocolate at Starbucks. It was fun to chat and trade funny stories.

We had been in Starbucks for at least 2 hours. I naturally had to excuse myself to use the little girl's room and off I went for the adventure of the century.

At this particular Starbucks, the way they had the bathrooms were the little boy's/little girl's/big accessibility combo pack. So, basically I was going to have a small apartment to myself to do my business. I chose the one to my left, pushed the door open, looked inside and saw...

A boy.

And by boy I mean young-man-in-close-proximity-to-my-age-to-the-point-of-extreme-discomfort.

For a few seconds, I stared like a deer in headlights. Trying to process what was happening in front of me. Then I started to smile and I covered my mouth. I swear it was similar to something from Just For Laughs: Gags. It took me some time to process what was happening right before my eyes. This was a solid 5 seconds, if you have absolutely no imagination. The boy was finishing his business, I hadn't developed an escape route, he hadn't heard me at this point and he was turning around.

I acted quickly in closing the door, probably not very quietly...

Then... I ran like a maniac to the bathroom across the hall. Closed the door (completely) and resisted the urge to text my friends who were only a few feet away from what had just happened.

I had a minor freak out and waited for the person I had just peeped on to leave the bathroom. I then sat down at my friends' table and informed them that due to the events that had just transpired in the lavatory that we had to leave immediately.

They ignored me... We kept talking in Starbucks for another hour or so.

I may or may not be shameless.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Funny Fridays: Discovering Tumblr & A Cool Shower

Over the last little while, I have been going to the same source for my internet entertainment. It has been tumblr. While I found it very confusing at first, I think I have found the hang of it. I love two blogs in particular.

How Do I Put This Gently
What Should We Call Me

Mine is My Sentiments Exactly (obviously modeled after the two stated above.)

Basically, what happens with tumblr, is that it's like blogspot and twitter and instgram all shoved into one. You can post videos, quotes, pictures, all of that good stuff very very easily. If you like something you can reblog it, it's similar to a retweet. You also have a home screen which is like your news feed on Facebook or your timeline on Twitter. It's filled with all the posts from the people you have subscribed to... This being said, this came up on my home screen on Wednesday... and I had to share it with you guys. I can't even... I don't know what this is. My initial reaction was this.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 22, 2012

How to be a great customer...

I have worked in customer service for approximately 5 years. I must say, many people have no clue what they are doing when addressing their customer service concerns. I wholly understand that you may feel that the company that you have invested your time and/or money into have wronged you in some way. I have been there many times. However, it's not acceptable to show up to the establishment in question and throw a grown up temper tantrum to the point that the employees have no other options but to call the police. (This happened to one of my customers.) You can keep your cool and get some resolution. It's not hard! I have put together some tips for everyone, so you don't have to resort to being "that customer".

1. Self-reflection
This is probably the customer service desk's #1 pet peeve. People who blow their top because there was one miniscule mistake or inconvenience was experienced. These folks are not the ones who are getting the red carpet rolled out for them. Look at your problem that you're experiencing. Rate this on a scale of 1 to 10. A 1 being one piece of burnt kernel in your ENTIRE large bag of popcorn. A good example of a 10 would be finding a dead body in the back of your car after getting it back from your dealership. Don't scream, throw punches or call people names because the likelihood of you being at a level 10 is slim to none. Just state your case to the person assisting you and see what they can do to fix it.

2. State only facts
My issue is ________. That is all you can really say. When you go into the reason that this is an issue, it can be ruled out as a subjective complaint. What bothers you may not bother the rest of our clients, so we are going to dismiss this situation.

That customer would say things like: My issue is with my salesman because I feel that he is the devil's spawn.

Once you use the "I feel" statement, the complaint becomes subjective in nature and the company will gladly dismiss it.

Before going to make your complaint, identify the issue specifically and what exactly you would like the company to do for you. They're going to listen and let you know if that is possible.  If you want to provide supporting arguments as to why you feel your salesman is the scum of the earth, then you can do so in the following way.

You should say things like: I have looked into the price for a _______ and with this information I've concluded that I am being charged too much for _______.

3. Take off your sassy pants
It is not appropriate to wear your sassy pants to the customer service desk. We can tell when you're walking up to the desk that you have an issue. Our job is to fix the problem to the best of our abilities. You are not doing yourself any favors being sassy with your associate. They stop wanting to help you when they see the sassy pants. No sassy pants.

Also. Do not tap on things. Counters. Tills. Windows. It will not fly.

4. If you must ask for a manager, do so nicely.
There is nothing worse than when someone says "Well I'm going to have to speak with your manager!" The second worst thing is when someone will not even give us the opportunity to help and immediately ask for a manager. Sometimes the solution is easy, but you as a customer make it a longer process by dodging the front line of defence. Believe it or not, the pawns in a corporation are of use. Give them the chance go give you their best solution and if you feel that there is more that they can do, then politely ask for a manager. "I realize that you've done all that you can to help me, so I would like to speak with someone with higher authority. Thank you." See how nice that is? It's not impossible to get what you want while still treating people like human beings.

5. When you can't get what you want
It will happen. Unfortunately. I never said no to customers who legitimately had a problem. If they are saying no, I implore you to go back to step 1. Assess what the issue is and if you're reacting appropriately.

As a customer service rep, when people followed the steps outlined above, I usually knew exactly what I could and would be willing to do for them after my first encounter with them. If it was nothing at all or a reimbursement. On the occasion that I had to deliver a "no", I would give all the supporting arguments that brought me to that decision and try to explain why we are making no offer at this time. People usually freak out when they get a "no". 

That customer would say things like:
I will never buy _______ again. This is the worst thing since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You, as a customer service representative, are Jeffrey Dahmer reincarnated. You are actually killing me.

You should say things like:
Are there some services and/or merchandise that you could offer me to alleviate my frustrations with this product/service/etc?

Give the representative the opportunity to do SOMETHING for you. If they are saying no to what you have suggested, then give them the opportunity to give you their best offer. I've given oil changes to hundreds of people just to thank them for taking the time to make a complaint.

In the end, what I'm trying to say is be nice. Ask for what you want and be flexible.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Being The Most Interesting Interviewee...

Since I have been home from Ottawa, I have been looking for a job. Looking for a job may be a loose interpretation, but nonetheless, I landed myself an interview at Walmart after I got a tip from one of their current employees.

One of the managers called me on Wednesday, asked me a series of questions and informed me that they would like to see me for a group interview. Now, I hate group interviews... But the reason why is another story in and of itself... But to say the least, I was anxious. I was nervous going into it that I wouldn't have the opportunity to show off my skills in the work field. (Something I love to do, I'm about as vain as a peacock.) But really, in an interview, you have to be able to sell yourself or you're not going to get the job. So I went in, knowing that I would have to make an impression on the people conducting the interview.

To skip over the more boring parts of the interview, I'll just get straight to the fun part.

We were placed in pairs and we were given the most ridiculous products they could find in the store and asked us to sell it to a specific individual. My partner and I had the joy of selling a Darth Maul alarm clock to a grandma... I had no idea what to do. I do not do sales. My partner and I examined the packaging and determined that the only way this would have any appeal to a grandma would be if they were buying it for their grandchild. So, we went with that. As the other groups began presenting, they were all acting their sales pitch out. I turned to my partner and asked him if he wanted to act this out. He agreed that it was probably best and I put on my improv face. I haven't done any improv acting since high school... And even then, it wasn't the best. I was far more appreciated in choir.

Our turn came and I explained that we were given this ridiculous alarm clock and that I would be playing a grandma... As I hunched over and began to speak with a Brittish accent. The entire panel of managers roared. They laughed so hard! I asked my partner things like "What is Star Wars?" "Is this appropriate for my grandson? He's 10." We ended the scene when I had accepted the product. I literally got a round of applause and as I shook their hands to leave, one of the members of the panel referred to me as "The Queen". I nearly died.

I obviously focused on being very professional and put together at all other moments of the interview. Hahahaha. Honestly, if they don't want to hire me after that hilarity, I don't know what else I could have done to convince them. My sense of humor is obviously my best quality, in my humble opinion.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The plate is just too small.

I have been in school for two weeks. In those two weeks, I have taken notes, received assignments and realized that I have a lot due on the same dates.

Outside of school, I like to have this thing called a life. (Apparently, my professors have never heard of them. I have assured them that they are normal.) My life usually involves friends, church, hobbies, this blog, family and my kitten Oliver. Since I have started school, I feel that it has become the meat, potatoes and vegetables of my life... But there are so many more things on my plate than just school!

I decided today that my plate is simply far too small.

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as finding a bigger plate. I have to pick and choose what gets to stay and what needs to go. This is not easy for me. I like to be reliable and dependable. I like saying yes. Even when I know I should say no...

For school, I'm having a hard time keeping track of the seemingly million assignments I have to do, when they are due, etc. I have a plan to organize that. But right now, it's extremely overwhelming.

I feel like I'm constantly drowning in to do lists.

So for any of you who have felt completely overwhelmed by the never ending to do lists, please comment. I am open to suggestions. I need to find something that will work for me before I start smashing all the real plates in my house. Haha...

But seriously. Suggestions please!

Friday, September 7, 2012

76. Make a list of my favourite 25 qualities

Completed: March 8, 2011

As a woman, I feel as though I will never live up to the expectation of the society in which I live. To be thin, sexy, toned, successful, smart, tall, funny, talented, tanned... Just to name a few. It's a daunting list and quite frankly, unattainable for most women. No one rolls out of bed in the morning, with morning breath and bed head, being sexy. Does not happen.

I am tired of hearing the women around me complain about their appearances, then only a moment later turn to me and tell someone else how beautiful they are. Can you stop criticizing yourself for a moment? Look at yourself the way that you see any of the other women that you idolize instead of criticize. Being polite and respectful. Looking for the best. Overlook the fine details; the small things that bother you. See the big picture. Find things that you love about yourself, the same way you do with others. Do this repeatedly until you can look at yourself in the mirror and see someone beautiful. It has taken me a long time and a lot of self-discipline to be able to look at myself and generally have no complaints.

I have bad days like anyone else. When everything in my closet makes me look like I am just waiting to blurt out "MOO!" When my hair just won't cooperate. My nails are chipping. When I think it's probably best to crawl into a hole and put a bag over my head. Then there are the days that I want to put two bags, just in case the first one rips.

I have great news for anyone who has bad days too. You are still gorgeous.

I know that it's hard to believe.

You are your biggest critic. You would never look at another woman and think: her hairline is so weird. Her nail beds are so short. Her natural hair color is so dull. You simply accept her. You see eyes that light up when a great joke is told. You see her soft hands. You see her radiant smile. I don't understand why we can't look at ourselves with such a loving and tender eye. 

I encourage every woman to force herself to write a list of 25 qualities, inside or out, that you love about yourself. It really does help.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Funny Friday: ______ gone wrong

At my work, we have a code for calling the police and it is "call the bacon." Now, we only call them for emergencies. Some people, however, like to call them for less important things...

I have officially decided that I will not be a 911 dispatcher any time soon. Far too many incompetent people. When I was the owner of a blackberry, I accidentally called 911. Anyone who has a blackberry knows how easy it is to do so. I didn't even realize that that had happened because it was 7:30am and they called me back immediately and I sheepishly admitted to my pocket dial. They informed me however that if this does happen, that you should stay on the line and let them know because they have to call back if you hang up before speaking to someone. Just a fun fact!

I also love, love, love dances that end horribly. Oh. My. Goodness. Nothing funnier. For example:

I always assume that people are fine when I watch falling videos, otherwise I want to cry. And put them in a spinal hold. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

They lost their WHAT?

As you all know, I work as a lifeguard at a beautiful water park with well behaved, rule following guests... I usually have some pretty great stories of my own to share. While this story is not my own... well, it was just exceptional.

At Calypso Themed Waterpark, we have a lazy river type of amusement called the Jungle Run. Throughout the Jungle Run, there are 7 lifeguards stationed with walkie-talkies, rescue floats and first aid kits. Prepared for the worst and hoping for the best. Now occasionally there will be some moron who loses their brand new pair of Oakley's in the Jungle Run and they will ask the lifeguard if they have seen them. Usually this follows with an announcement over the radio that if any lifeguard has found a black pair of Oakley's to please return them to Jungle Run 1 to 7.

This being said, my dear friend Kira was working at Jungle Run one fine afternoon when a woman swam up to her. This woman then asked Kira to come closer, as if to tell Kira a secret. So Kira bent down to this woman's level. The woman whispered in her ear. "I seem to have lost my prosthetic breast in the Jungle Run... It doesn't really matter. I just don't want a kid to find it and start playing with it or something..."

When Kira told me this story, I nearly peed my pants. HOW DO YOU LOSE THAT?! What a strange thing to lose... Kira, however, remained composed. She asked the woman to go around the Jungle Run one more time, and if she didn't find it, then Kira would announce it over the radio for the other guards to look for it.

As that woman swam around, Kira stood at her station wondering how odd this announcement would be over the radio... "Attention all jungle runners, a guest has lost her prosthetic breast in the jungle run... If you find it, if you could pick it up and let me know. Thank you." Needless to say, this was the last thing Kira wanted to do.

Thankfully the woman found her breast in the Jungle Run on her second lap. Kira was a bit relieved and it made for a great story!

I'm going to try to post more often... I am just so busy these days! Also, I registered for my college courses this week. VERY EXCITING!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What I've learned in 2 decades...

I know that I have technically been an adult for 2 years now, but I actually feel like a grown up now. I mean not very many people take 18 or 19 year olds very seriously... Heck, I didn't take myself very seriously. I've never really felt like life was passing me by until today. Did I blink? Is this what all the old people keep talking about?

And this is last year's guide... AH!
I feel that I've learned a lot in the last 10 years. I've done a lot of personal growth and I find it seriously amazing that I have come to the point in my life where people come to me for advice... Yeah. I know. What are these people thinking? Anyways, for my birthday, I thought I would share some of my 20 year old wisdom with you all. 

Let it all go. If there is anything I know for sure, it's that very, very few things are in your control. What offends people, who you remain close with, the opportunities you are denied or given... The only things you can control is your attitude and how you choose to act. The rest you have to let go. The bitterness is self-inflicted and you are the only one stopping you from being the happiest you've ever been. Stop holding grudges, being offended, saying mean things about people... Just live your life! (Thanks Rihanna.)

Be kind. This is something that has been more recently, can we all just stop hating each other? Is that so difficult? Stop talking about people behind their backs. Don't say mean things about people! If you wouldn't want someone saying that about you, then maybe you shouldn't be saying it... 

Not only have I learned the importance of being kind to others, I have learned to be kind to myself. We are our biggest critics and you need to learn to LET GO of all the small things you don't like about yourself. A small thing that I don't like about myself, that I will share, are my eyebrows. They are monstrous when I do not weed whack them. I hate them. A lot. They're a pain in the butt. I've accepted that I have huge eyebrows and have found a miraculous woman to tame them for me. (If you want her contact info, message me. She is amazing.) Sure, a lot of things that we don't like about ourselves are not so easily resolved as finding a great aesthetician but you can learn to deal with them. When it comes to character flaws, you need to learn to forgive yourself for your short comings. No one is perfect. I know women struggle with their appearances, but God makes no mistakes. You are beautiful.

While I could go on for days about all the things I have learned, I will stop here. I hope you're all having a fabulous day! Also, happy birthday America... Your party is always so much cooler than mine...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Worst Thief Who Ever Lived...

Easter morning at 9am, my mother came down to "chat" with me. My sister had stayed out all night and she was a little worried. "Julie, where is Elise? Did she say she was going anywhere after she dropped off Graeme last night?" I was still very asleep but the phrase "Am I my sister's keeper?" resounded within me. I groggily informed her that I had been innocently writing my talk last night and that I had not left my room after approximately 11:45pm. She was satisfied with that answer and left to go to church.

About 30 seconds after she left, she came back to my room freaking out. This time, she informed me that I had left the car unlocked after using it Saturday afternoon. I, again, groggily asked her if she had used it Saturday night. She was not pleased with this response. "ARE YOU TRYING TO BLAME ME FOR THIS, JULIE?!" From that point forward in the conversation, I did more listening than talking.

After my mom had actually left for church, I went to the car window to look at what was missing.  I saw immediately the GPS and the Bluetooth hands-free device were still in the car. Two obviously pricey items that you could make a good profit on. I looked for the owner's manual/ownership/insurance and they were nowhere to be seen. This terrified me. What could someone do with our ownership?

I went to church and had an amazing Easter Sunday. (Can I just say that I love Jesus?) Afterwards, Elise made our way to our grandma's house for dinner. When we had both had our dinner, I told my mom about the missing ownership. She. Freaked. Out. "I've seen documentaries on this sort of thing! He's selling our car right now! Someone will show up with registration in their name!" I just sat there... Well, if that does happen... That would suck, because I just payed to have that car fixed. Meanwhile, Mom is still freaking out. My thought was there's nothing we can do about it until that actually happens.

Elise and I then left a bit early to go and pick up my Dad and brother Colin from the airport. They were coming back from Vegas that day. We stopped by the house before heading to the airport to see if the car was actually missing the insurance or if I had simply not seen it when I peered through the window that morning. We also checked to see if the car would actually start, seeing as the door was left open by our visitor the night before. As I rummaged through the things on the seat that had been pulled out of the centre console and the glove box, I found the ownership. Which was a huge relief. I continued to look through our things to see if there was anything missing. The $80 bottle of tanning lotion was still there, all of our CDs, my brother's wallet...

I sighed when I saw my brother's wallet. I can't believe this guy took all of my brother's money out of his wallet, that's so mean. There was nothing left but a receipt. I opened the wallet to see which brother had left his wallet it in the car. Only to find that it was a young man who had no relation to me... That lived not too far from us. Who had broken into our car that night. The young man had gone into our car, probably stole some spare change, and left his wallet behind.

I suddenly felt like Sherlock Holmes. Absolute genius.

Elementary, dear Watson.

Elise and I were in complete hysteria all the way to the airport. When we relayed the story to my father, he had decided that he would turn the wallet into the police, rather than Elise and I's plan to go blackmail him. Muahaha!

We turned the wallet into the police on Monday. We found out soon after the wallet was turned in that the young man had actually been arrested on other charges earlier that day... Not only did he have a failed attempt at robbing us, he also messed up one of his other criminal offences and was caught/arrested. Ohhh, the second rate criminals of my lovely town.

I hope you've all had a great last month. I know I've been slacking on the blog posts but I promise to be better... I'll try. Please still love me?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Funny Fridays: The Student Life

I know a lot of people are in exams right now for university/college. To honour those mourning the loss of their social lives, I present this week's funny friday. A collection of funnies of the stresses and frustrations of being a student... I haven't been in school for almost 2 years now. (Ahhhh.) But I remember it well. Exams are not fun.

I've never experienced this first hand, but I imagine that this is what it's like to pull an all nighter.

Now a lot of you may be wondering, why is this all so funny and exciting for someone who is not in school? Well, it is so exciting and awesome because I've accepted an offer for college! I'm going to college for a Social Service Worker program in the fall and I could not be more enthused about my choice! I'm going to be staying at home and going to school. I can't wait to start learning again!

With that announcement, I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Funny Fridays: The Grammar Nazi

I should be doing many things aside from posting on my blog...

Cleaning my room.
Doing laundry.
Sorting my mail.
Doing laundry.

Being the queen of procrastination that I am; I decided that it was a Good Friday for a Funny Friday.

Today, I would like to post about grammar. I must say that I am shocked at how many people my age and older still do not understand the difference between they're, their and there. I swear we went through this in grade school. Early on, not grade seven or eight.

THEY'RE - They are.
THERE - To indicate a place or location. Note: Similar spelling to where.
THEIR - Used to indicate possession. Example: Their poo smelled very bad.

Why am I such a grammar nazi? Probably because I'm french. I've had so many lessons on grammar in French, that I'm amazed at how many people mess up their homonyms in English. (It is seriously the easiest language ever.) Also, most of these people don't even speak another language! I can understand if English is not your first language... If you can only read and write in English, at least try to be good at it.

Commas, proper use of homonyms, saying declarative sentences with declarative tones can make you sound and look exponentially more intelligent than you actually are! I love the spoken and written word, but some people just ruin it for all of us. They ruin it alot. Now I love Hyperbole and a Half. It's a great blog that I love to follow. Why? Because she is SO FUNNY and her drawings are always bang on.

The last thing I would like to share for today is The Dramatic Reading of a Break Up Letter. Some of you may be familiar with this as it has been up for quite some time, but I just laugh every single time. I can't even stop myself. And I reference it quite a bit... So if you ever see me, feel free to make a reference and watch me explode with joy/laughter.

I hope you're all having a lovely Easter weekend with your families!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thanks to The Help

I identify as a minority in many ways. I am a woman. I am a French Canadian. I am a Mormon. But there is one prejudice that being myself, I will never truly or fully understand; being a woman of colour.

I just finished reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I must express how deeply moving this novel was. I know from reading the acknowledgements that this book, the characters and the stories it holds are wholly fictitious. However, the lives that are depicted in this novel was at one time reality. There were many women whose lives were very similar to those portrayed in this novel and I cannot stop myself from marvelling at their tolerance, strength and patience.

When reading the novel, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of the colour of my skin. Knowing that people can associate me to this shallow, unintelligent group left me grieving. Knowing that people could take one look at me and assume that I would treat them harshly. I realized at that moment that I would only ever understand a fraction of what it was like to be a coloured woman in the 1960s. I would only understand a smaller fraction of what it is like to be a coloured woman today. I know that there are still people out there who truly believe that white people are above all others. This is not the case. We are all created equal.

I know that this all seems extremely insincere coming from someone who has never been sneered at or had a slur thrown in my direction... But I will never be the one to smirk or give the disapproving look.

While we cannot change what people think of us, we can change what people see in us. We can be better, kinder, compassionate and loving. One of my favourite parts of the book, Aibileen is trying to teach the little white girl she looks after a lesson on being a good person. She wraps two candies. One in a white wrapper, one in a brown wrapper. She explains to the little girl that regardless of what is on the outside, the inside can still be good.

How simple life is when seen through the eyes of a child.

While I cannot change the past, there is so much I want to change about our future. Please read this book and when you go to speak ill or judge another person, stop it. Just stop.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Funny Fridays: Shock & Awe

There are certain things, especially on the internet, that I wish I could just remove from my memory entirely. Things where I can really just think... WHY?! Things that are shockingly awful. Those things that you're just so surprised to see, that you have to show everyone. Kind of like the show Hoarders. No one likes to ACTUALLY watch Hoarders. You just find it so shocking that you weirdly enjoy it...

These were a few of my favourite things...

Do you really? Because the thought of doing this makes the taste bile just happen.

I feel bad for the guy... But this is just so funny!
And the piece de resistance!

I can't imagine my first kiss being caught on video camera, going viral on the internet and it looking that painful. ALL AT ONCE. So embarrassing.

Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Finding our humanity

I have been taking the bus for the past week and a half after getting into a bit of an accident with my mom's car. (I'm posting more details on this later this week or next week... Even though I hate talking about it...) I get really anxious when my stop comes up and get in a bit of a rush every time it's approaching. Missing my stop would mean not catching my transfer and subsequently, not making it to work on time. Which according to my boss can lead to termination. UH OH! Don't want any of that.

So in my rush yesterday to get to work on time and not to miss my transfer, I left my gloves on the bus in the chair next to me. I had placed them under my backpack when I sat down originally and hadn't noticed them there when I stood up to get off. 

Now for the past couple of days, it has been FREEZING. The thought of going without my gloves makes me cringe. But luckily for me, there was a very kind heart on my bus yesterday. She was getting off at my stop and came up behind me and handed me my gloves. She just said, "You left these on the bus." And walked away. I was completely awestruck. "Oh my gosh! Thank you!" I had nothing else I could say before she ran off to catch her bus.

To the woman who returned my gloves and made my day, thank you! For restoring my faith in humanity. That there are still good people out there and that I'm not alone in my efforts to be a good person. 

To everyone else, I saw a video yesterday that has been resonating within me since I saw it. Anyone who has any kind of social networking account knows the name Kony. That everyone is trying to make him famous. But why? To find out, please watch the video I'm posting below. Whether you feel that these efforts are a day late and a dollar short or that they are exactly what this world needs. It is never too late to educate yourself.

I've seen many people concerned that the issue is no longer prevalent... Well, guess what? This is history repeating itself. We took too long to act in Poland, too long to act in Rwanda, too long in Russia, too long to act too many times. Too often citizens of this planet were too late to offer their resources to aid another. There is even the Black War which has been considered by many to be the most effectively executed genocide. Because it happened and to this day, few people know about it. 

This time there are people active and willing to help those affected by this group. There are people who will listen. There are ways to get the news out there. While we can't all devote our lives to this cause, we can make change by supporting those who are working to make the difference. 

The thing that I loved most about this video was that through the eyes of Gavin, the young boy, there is absolutely no reason that we shouldn't stop this man. I could not agree with him more. We need to be anxiously engaged in a good cause. And if you didn't have one before, why not take on this one?

I've bought my action kit and I'm waiting for it in the mail. I hope that you'll all do the same. Buy it here.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Funny Fridays: Being A Jerk

Now, I do not approve of just being a jerk for no reason. I work in customer service. But sometimes, to make a really funny joke... You come across as a meanie. Sometimes, not on purpose and sometimes on purpose.

This leads to our funny friday for today. And to why I love being Canadian. SO MUCH.

The lighthouse station called Arctowski is probably the most southerly lighthouse in the world. Built at the Polish research station in Antarctica named after Henryk Arctowski, the famous 19th century Polish geographer and Antarctic explorer. Situated on King George Island in the South Shetlands group, its geographical position is 62o10'S, 58o28'W.
The following is the transcript of the actual radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland: 
Canadians: Please divert your course 15 degrees the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees the North to avoid a collision.
Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Canadians: This is a lighthouse. It's your call, over...
How fantastic is that?!

Now this next one... Sigh. Is just so my job. I work with these jerks all the time. But I have to admit, they're quite funny. So I just laugh it off. After yelling about how stupid they are!

I am so glad I only work with inbound calls. No one goes out of their way to do this to people when they're calling to complain about their cars!

Finally, the last funny friday of the day. Don't even reply. Also known as e-mails from an a-hole. He just finds ads on craigslist, replies to them, and just tries to disturb people to their very core. It usually ends up with a lot of swearing. You've been warned.

But for my lovely and clean funny fridays, I have picked one out that has no such vulgarity.

Click here to see it.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The strength to go on

I can say nothing to preface the amazing content of this video.

Watch now.

I watched this at 8am this morning after two friends shared it on facebook... I don't know if it was the lack of good sleep last night, Josh Groban's beautiful voice, or the great message. But I was borderline hysterical. I'm sure it would have been hilarious to watch me as I groggily pressed play on my iPhone and proceeded to bawl like a crazy person in my room... by myself.

I just love his dad. How freaking sweet is that man? It just made me think of my dad and how much I love him. He's probably one of my best friends and I know that if this happened to me, this is exactly how he would act.

Tell your dads you love them today, because who knows how difficult it is for them to support you. They have struggles just like every other human being, but they place you first. He loves you more than you will ever know!

P.S. How do we all feel about my "okay, summer, come NOW!" blog layout?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny Fridays: Le Rage

Since I have had my iphone, I have downloaded one of my favourite apps of all time. This would be the rage comics app. Now what is a rage comic? I'm sure you're all familiar with my Harry Potter vs. Twilight and all the lovely photos I posted. It's quite a bit like that, except that people use situations that happened in real life. I can't even believe some of them are true, but they are still so funny.

So, I've collected a few of my favourites to share with you today! I hope you enjoy them. (Click to enlarge any of the photos!)

So basically, this is what has been filling my time outside of blogging these last few months... I mean really, is this not hilarious? Don't you ALL want iphones now?!

Happy weekend!

See more rage comics here.
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