Thursday, June 6, 2013

Student Solutions: Shopping

Since becoming a student, I have realized that money is TIGHT. It's hard! It's tough! And I don't get to have the luxuries I used to have. One of these luxuries is shopping.

Oh, how I have missed it.

I won't lie, I still splurge from time to time, in fact, I splurge frequently! But how do I prevent myself from going overboard? Avoiding the dip into money for tuition and books?

The thing that has helped me probably most is Pinterest. When I first discovered Pinterest, I didn't understand why people liked it so much. Then I stopped having money to buy clothes that I wanted or other things I wanted to decorate my room or desk. And I finally understood Pinterest's purpose for me. It honestly stops me from spending my money. If I really like something, I will PUT DOWN THE CREDIT CARD and pin instead. It's amazing. DO IT!

Someone else described Pinterest in this way:
In the meantime, I’ve taken up — what I can only refer to as my new hobby — pinning. What’s pinning? Well, it’s not blogging, and it’s not quite social networking. It’s actually kind of just a way of “liking” things and “collecting” them the way that the Little Mermaid (Ariel) did in her bedroom (that part where she sings ‘I want more’).
Oh. That is real my friends. And I constantly scour through Pinterest looking for the more. I can't stop!

The thing I love most is that I can pin from any website! If I find something that I want to buy outside of Pinterest (for example: Withings Scale, approximately $160) I simply pin it to a board to buy later, when I'm not in school anymore.

The other thing I have done is created a budget, but more on that another time.

Crush that shopping craving with pins. Follow me on Pinterest here, and see what I'm talking about.

How do you hold off on spending all of your money on a pair of shoes?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A few little changes...

I have decided to make a change to my blog! 

As you can see, my URL is now

When I finished my 1001 days were up in November of last year, I felt like my blog was losing purpose, as I no longer had any goals to post about. While there are about 50 posts I never wrote about my 101 list, I knew that there were a lot more goals coming to the surface for my future. I'm starting to create a bucket list! 

It's mostly, at this point, taking the goals from my first list that I didn't get to complete and putting it into a lifelong list rather than limiting myself to a mere 1001 days. 

I also liked the "bucket" phrase as I tend to throw a bunch of miscellaneous other things on this blog that are completely unrelated to any list. (See Funny Fridays...) The new name also works for just a bucket full of random, but awesome things. Haha. Hopefully, you think they're awesome too. 

In honor of this change, I have changed my URL and revamped my layout. There will be more changes to come as I'm having a hard time with some of my little gadgets now that I have changed my link. Frustrating does not even begin to describe...

Stay tuned for more posts! School is out for the summer! Yay!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Faith in all things; Including science

I wrote this for an elective course in college. It is a philosophy course, disguised as a history course. Hahaha. However, the first few weeks of the class we talked about evolution incessantly. Our professor asked us what stuck out about the course, so I let him know.

This was the result of that assignment.

Small disclaimer: This is merely my own speculation and should be reflected upon as such. 

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There was a time that I felt extremely conflicted when presented with the idea of evolution. It seemed from a young age, that I feared facing this internal conflict for my entire life. It was logical to me that evolution could be the explanation of how the earth came to be. However, the conflict came from my own heart and my faith, which told me that God created the earth in His plan for us. Science and history classes taught me that the globe itself formed from some miraculous coincidence. Jared Diamond (1997) is one of the many that propose that we, as humans, emerged from apes and chimps. How could God and those around me expect me to hold true to the feelings of my heart while still listening to the logic in my head? It seemed that the two ideas were incessantly at war with one another.

I once had a discussion with an individual about my confusion on the topic. He suggested that perhaps evolution was simply the explanation of how the earth was created, but that God was why it happened. Perhaps the 7 days that are portrayed in our scriptures were only creative periods, as the measurement of time was not invented by God, but by humans. Perhaps, what was written in many religious texts were tailor made for the people of that time. Could it be that the writers of these creation myths were inspired in this way, for the purpose of the people who would hear it first, so that they could receive it in their hearts and understand it in their minds?

The suggestion was shocking and was an idea that I found to be perplexing. I had never thought that maybe, faith and science could peacefully coexist. I then read in a religious text, “[God] will tell you in your mind and in your heart.” (Doctrine & Covenants 8:2) This passage brought peace to the war that I found myself in on a regular basis.

With this thought of congruity in mind, it would be absolutely illogical to me that God created human beings in the blink of an eye. It would also be illogical to me to think that the world generated itself and all of its inhabitants by opportune happenstance.

Something that I have struggled with since adopting this perspective is how other people of faith do not share this idea of balance between reason and faith. It is confounding to me that individuals can rely solely on faith or solely on reason. While I see the appeal to a strictly science diet, there are still things that have yet to be explained. There are still miracles today, because they are inexplicable to us, even after our vast scientific discoveries that have transpired over the past thousand years.

Nonetheless, I see the appeal in a strictly faith diet, but some of the once inexplicable happenstances have been explained through experimentation and scientific evidence. This evidence does not make your faith or beliefs in a deity any less real. Faith’s purpose is to bridge the gap between these occurrences that we cannot explain and that our limited, human minds cannot comprehend. Faith can be used to help us come to appreciate the sophistication of the evolution theory. The evolution theory can help us appreciate the complexity of the workings of God.

I have realized through my participation in this class, that while I do identify as a devout Christian, I have begun to consider that the theory of evolution may be a possible explanation as to how the earth came to fruition.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Seeing Success

I'm beginning to learn about the crazy schedules of students. I have NO personal time. My personal time includes sleeping and going to the gym. That's about it. Working two jobs, school, field placement, the joke that I refer to as my social life. It's crazy how busy I have become lately. I remember someone saying at an orientation that you need to schedule your meals or you will never eat. That is real, my friends. I never anticipated the hustle and while I complain that I have a mere imitation of a social life... I have to also acknowledge how much I love being busy. I do not love being this busy all the time, but I definitely feel accomplished. I think being busy builds peoples' esteem.

I have some exciting news to announce and I just can't have a simple facebook status about. It would also be a very, very long facebook post. I am very aware of how much people hate those (because I hate them too.)

I have lost a lot of weight since about April 2011. It's hard to say exactly how much since then. I wasn't weighing myself regularly at that point in time. We've all been there; where we know we're overweight and we don't dare step on that scale out of fear of what it may tell us. It may confirm all of our worst fears. I have to say, I look back and think it's absolutely ridiculous that I lived in fear of my bathroom scale. It's important to know your weight to be in good health and to make realistic goals. My BMI also made me feel a lot more comfortable with how I was at that point in time. So be a courageous person today, weigh yourself. Make friends with your scale.

Thank you, pinterest, for this gem!
With that preface, I have somehow found the motivation to eat healthier and work out at the gym that's included in my school fees. Eating healthy has always been a challenge. I like food. It's something I have no problem admitting. I just changed what I was eating at first, and then the quatity. I eat a lot more vegetables, a lot more fish, a lot less carbohydrates and smaller portions.

Some of my favorite new habits include: 
- I love pasta. I think I was Italian in a past life. I love carbs, but unfortunately, carbs drive your insulin. If you want more information, click here. Of course, I'll acknowledge that this has been claimed to be a myth by many other sources. However, it is important to know how your body works and that carbs need to be limited, not necessarily eliminated. Elise introduced me to this squash that when it is cooked becomes stringy like spaghetti. It does not taste like pasta and the first time I tried it, I hated it. I have grown to love it though. I can eat a huge bowl of spaghetti with this squash and feel fine within the hour. Trust me, I indulge. Regularly.
- I also love popcorn. I worked at Cineplex for 3 years. I had to love it. I get the munchies when I sit down to a movie at the theater or even at home. Well, when I worked at Cineplex I read this lovely article and I haven't been able to eat much of it since. What do I have instead? Pomegranates. You get to munch away on them for a decent amount of time. These are a lot of work to get out and usually my kitchen looks like I murdered someone with the juice exploding everywhere. Here's a trick, open the pomegranate and pick out the seeds in a big bowl of water. The seeds sink to the bottom and the white part of the fruit float at the surface. It makes your kitchen a lot less like an episode of Dexter.
- Chicken and beef. Staples of the North American diet... I must say, I have seen a huge difference since I've started eating mainly fish. Seriously. It's so much lighter and better for you. There is so much goodness in fish. The other aspect of this is that I rarely eat meat anymore. Trust me, I'm surprising myself. I have meat only about 3-4 times a week and I don't find myself getting really hungry all the time. A lot of dieticians will tell you to fill up on vegetables because that's exactly what you should be eating. They're so good for you and your body will love you for it. They also taste amazing. There's so much you can do with vegetables.
- Sour cream... My mom always bought light sour cream. Now, we buy plain greek yogurt. Do not knock it until you try it. It tastes more or less the same and it has protein! So good for you! I heart greek yogurt. Vanilla flavour tastes like whipped cream - it's seriously delicious.
- Being a poor student, I can't afford to go out to eat all the time like I did when I was working full-time so, I pack a lunch. I pack a lunch that I can be excited about! Pack your favorites. I like nuts, granola bars, rice, veggies, quinoa. If you have access to a microwave, your options expand so much. Do not give into the accessibility and reasonably priced Tim Hortons. You save so much money too!
- Use smaller plates. Your eyes are bigger than your belly. It really helps to have a full, small plate rather then an empty, big plate.
- I take the stairs and walk everywhere. I refuse to pay 10$ every time I need to drive myself to school so I have a residential area that I will park in and walk a couple blocks to the school on a fairly regular basis. I also don't even know where the elevators are in my school; I plan to keep it that way.

These are just a few, small changes that I've made in the last few months that have really helped get me on track.

I mentioned that I have lost a lot of weight since April of 2011. I think that's when I was my biggest ever... Seeing that I wasn't weighing myself it's hard to say where I was at that point. Last year at around this time, I started going to the gym again for the first time in years... I weighed myself regularly around that time because I wanted to track my progress. The scale did not help me one bit at that point. It was discouraging, very discouraging.

I started losing weight working at the waterpark. When I came home, I started living with Elise and we eat really healthy with the help of the tricks mentioned above. I posted a photo to facebook in October and I got a lot of positive feedback. I wanted to give more information then I was able to share in a couple of comments.

At present, I have lost 22 pounds and 2 BMI points since February of last year (2012) when I was going to the gym 6 days a week. I haven't taken my measurements yet but that is definitely on the to do list. It's been a very, very rewarding experience. Everything in my wardrobe is fitting better. Pants that I used to have to squeeze into are getting loose and practically falling off. I may be in need of a new belt and new pants soon. I encourage everyone who had the new years resolution to be healthier to absolutely DO IT. It is so worth it. Don't give up!

Here are a few before and after pictures...

April 2011 - January 2013
People always say that you see weight loss in your face... Yeah, that is real.  
March 2011 - October 2012
May 2011 - January 2013

What will be my reward for my hard work? My family and I are going on a cruise in 2 weeks! If you have read about our trip back in 2011, you know that it's going to be a fabulous time. I am very excited. I feel like I never get to see my family anymore with my insane schedule.

Have questions, tips or success stories of your own?

I want to hear them! Post them in the comments.

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