Friday, March 25, 2011

Funny Fridays: Harry Potter > Twilight.

Harry Potter is probably the best novel series ever written. Others believe that Twilight is superior...

They are full of poo. 

Vampires and werewolves have been in literacy for centuries and Stephanie Meyer has made a mockery of them. These creatures/people are supposed to be villains, killers and strike fear into our hearts. Vampires in Twilight sparkle, love and starve themselves. Dracula would be offended. Werewolves are now these noble creatures who protect their land and can change into their creature form whenever they get angry. The full moon has nothing to do with their transformations... WHAT?! No. Remus Lupin is the best werewolf alive, not Jacob Black. Hate to break your hearts but werewolf stories tend to go a little something like this: full moons, no self control, loss of memory, feeling sick, etc.

J.K. Rowling, however, created a world of magic that, in reality, could exist. (She covered her butt really well. Hogwarts has spells to prevent muggles from finding it - BRILLIANT.) She created a school that every single kid waits for an acceptance from at the age of eleven... and again when they're waiting for their acceptance to muggle universities. Not only was the story fun to read and to imagine but she literally planned out every single aspect of it before writing it. Sirius Black was not formally introduced until the third book in the series, but was mentioned in the first book in the first chapter when Hagrid is dropping Harry off at the Dursley's. Hagrid mentioned how Sirius wouldn't be needing his motorcycle that night. That was the night that Sirius went to Azkaban. AMAZING.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is good literature.

How does this relate to funny fridays? I love fan based Harry Potter funnies. I once found The Super Confidential Diary of Harry Potter, I have never laughed so hard in my life. Harry Potter is portrayed as a huge womanizer and a big douche, but it's so funny I can't resist the urge to share it. Disclaimer: it can get a little inappropriate and swears quite a bit. You've been warned. So, here are a few more of my favourites.

Happy weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha okay nice made me laugh and so true but at the same time kinda funny coming from you...just because u are a bit of a romantic haha...but i agree completely!


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