Monday, March 28, 2011

22. Spend an entire day reading the scriptures

Completed: April 30 - May 1, 2010
I still don't fully understand why I wanted to do this. It's a cute idea, immersing yourself in the scriptures for an entire day. Waking up in the morning and just poppin' open the scriptures to 1st Nephi and cruising through until sundown. I clearly hadn't thought this through, because I actually am a busy person. I normally don't have time to just set aside one whole entire day to solely reading scriptures and to be completely honest, most days I don't make time to read them.

Luckily for me, this task went hand in hand with a church activity we had planned out. We decided that it would be awesome, we would read from about 5pm to 2am, wake up early in the morning and read all the way to Moroni. I got there after school, scripture marker in hand, prepared to bask in the divinity of this great book. I had highly underestimated the task at hand because when the clock struck twelve, I was ready to sleep. I thought that I would stay up with the 12 year old girls in the group and have fun girly talks. No. My leader told us we were finished for the night and I got on the couch and passed out.
Listening to my Molly Mormon playlist.
Taking a break for snacks!
Click to enlarge - This was our schedule. DEATH.
It was 7am when we were woken up... My awesome YW leader decided to sing us a song. With the most shrill, annoying voice that she could come up with. Everything inside of me wanted to die.
You can even ask my mom, this is what I'm like every morning. 
Once we got back into it, it went really smoothly. We were a little behind but we went on. We spiced things up by standing on one foot, reading in weird voices, having guests speakers and taking breaks to read on our own.
Standing on one leg, did I mention I was one of the last people standing? 
Young Men came to reenact the story of the Title of Liberty - so funny. 
Click to enlarge - A map of the war chapters in the Book of Mormon. Made by Elder Seeber. AMAZING!
Elder Ferland playing the violin for us. AMAZING!
My dorky dad brought us facials. What a sweetie!
One of our more attractive pictures...
Our Stake President even came to read with us.
At the end of the day, I went off to work. But as the girls finished the Book of Mormon, our leaders played this video for them. This is probably the best talk I have ever heard.

It was a very different experience because it seemed more like a book and less like actual scripture. You could tell that these people had lived and they had worries and disappointments just like everyone else. They were not these perfect people that I had always imagined them to be. As my dad likes to say, they put their pants on one leg at time, just like everyone else. It made the people in the scriptures so much more relatable and made me want to be more like them, because after reading the book this way, it actually seemed attainable. I love this book. I encourage everyone to read it and to ponder the things that they read.

If you would like to receive a free copy of this book, click here.

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