Tuesday, March 8, 2011

25. Read a book by a General Authority

Completed: April 1, 2010
Now those of you reading this who are not of my faith, must be wondering, what the heck is a General Authority? Well, let me tell you! It's pronounced jen-er... Just kidding. I hope you're literate, that the public school system didn't fail you and that you know how to pronounce general authority. Moving on from pronunciation, they are the people in my church who run the show. Basically! From choosing destinations for missionaries to the setting apart of stake presidents. They are so inspirational and they all have a very personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ. I honestly want to be just like them when I grow up (and marry someone just like them when I grow up). Just so you can get a taste of their AMAZING messages, here's a youtube link to back me up... It's a message about Christ's Atonement. Probably one of my favourite videos, EVER.

FACT: I love this man.
When I originally made this goal, I wanted to read The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. It would be my first book with serious spiritual significance. As I looked at The Miracle of Forgiveness time and time again, I found it to be a daunting task.

So I found a practical solution, a smaller book! When I went to Utah with my dad for general conference, we stopped at Deseret Book and... I must say. I got a little out of hand. I bought three books, a DVD and two CDs. I've been to Utah since then... Looking back on this trip to Deseret, I was much more under control. Thanks, Dad. 

Took a picture to make a particular friend jealous, mission accomplished.

I only just realized that I didn't get a picture of the two CDs that I had to beg my father for. But here is a list of our purchases!
- Daughters of God by M. Russel Ballard
- Emma Smith: My Story (DVD)
- Broken Things to Mend by Jeffrey R. Holland
- The Remarkable Soul of a Woman by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Beautiful Dawn by Mercy River
- Joseph: A Nashville Tribute to the Prophet

I obviously believe that all of these purchases were amazing and 100% beneficial to the strengthening of my testimony. Really, they were! Elder Holland's book was AMAZING, but I still haven't finished it.  I have probably watched the Emma Smith movie a bajillion times. (How many zeros are in a bajillion anyways?) We also listened to those two CDs in our rental car for our entire trip, all the way to Vegas! But the book that I read in it's entirety was The Remarkable Soul of a Woman by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. 

I read it after a long day with my dad in Salt Lake City. The spirit had been felt in abundance and I was just about ready to go to bed. But I was much too excited with my purchases to go to sleep, I had to read my book. I sat in my bed, with my dad in a coma like state in the bed next to me, practically in tears as I read the striking words that President Uchtdorf included in his book. It confirmed to me that my endeavour for a higher education was not in vain and that I would, one day, accomplish what I sought so eagerly. It was such an uplifting read. I have many times since then, pulled it off my bookshelf in times of sorrow and anguish. I know, intense words coming from an eighteen year old. But yes, it has been a great comfort to me on more than one occasion. I know as a daughter of God that I am important, I am known and my desires, needs and wants are known by the Lord. I have so much to offer this world and I hope that I may in some small way reach that potential. I encourage every woman to read this book. But if that's not a legitimate option, feel free to watch the video that I found to be a small but similar portion of the book.

I know that my Redeemer lives. 

I hope we can all strive to stand a little taller as we realize our true a divine potential as women and more importantly, as daughter's of a just and loving Heavenly Father. 

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