Friday, June 3, 2011

Funny Fridays: Being Offended

I am so fed up with people being offended over the stupidest little things. I've heard about so much stupid drama lately and honestly, we could all live our lives without it.

If you're offended by something that someone said, suck it up. The only person who is effected by you being offended is you. And guess what? No matter how much you talk to other people about it, and rant about it. At the end of the day, you're the only person who has to live with it. Not the person who said/did it, not your friends, family, significant other or your pet goldfish (Because really, if you get offended that easily, it's probably best that you have a goldfish and not a dog that'll pee in your house or bark when you're napping.)

Click to enlarge.
So do yourself a favour and try not to get offended next time someone doesn't say something politically correct because GUESS WHAT? You're only hurting yourself.

Let it go.

P.S. Sorry that I've been slacking on blogging lately! I promise that I'm back for June!

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