After 3 long agonizing years as a ghettoplex employee... I can finally say that I have quit. I'd like to thank them for friendships that will never be forgotten and experiences that I will, honestly, work the rest of my life to forget. Thank you for providing me with the money to survive high school and the year after.
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I heart my coworkers! |
1) Ghettoplex hearts their staff... NOT!
I used to be okay with the way I was treated at ghettoplex. Then I spent the summer working at Canada's Wonderland and realized what it was like to be appreciated. My supervisors were approachable. The head of Splashworks was one of the nicest guys I know. After that summer of being treated respectfully and people acknowledging my efforts to be a good employee, going back to ghettoplex was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I have had so many ridiculously outrageous things happen to me as an employee that some I won't bother mentioning. But for this, I must mention this story.
Once upon a time, when I was closing one night with some fellow staff, there were about 3 or 4 of us, and we had just finished for the night. We had asked for management to come out and check bar for us. Our manager informed us that we needed to recount the large cups. This would be our third time recounting them which is more than a normal evening. The usual routine goes something like this...
We count.
They check.
We recount.
We go home.
The End.
One of my coworkers placed his hands on the small of our managers back as he asked her to come and count the cups for us because we had done all we could to get the right number.
I realize it's a wedding photo... But it was much more work appropriate, I assure you. |
I understand that there are physical barriers when at work. But that was an over reaction, one of the many temper tantrums that have been thrown in my time.
This probably would have been a more appropriate reaction...
2) Disgusting... Everything
From the first day, to my very last, I have continuously left feeling utterly repulsed by the filth that our customers manage to bring to our establishment. Just last Wednesday, a woman came to me explaining that there was a toilet that had overflowed in the women's washroom. My coworker went to go investigate. She came back about 15 minutes later explaining that a customer had taken a giant poo in one of the stalls, overflowed the toilet, not told anyone and left the little chunks of poo on our bathroom floor. YUM!
That is just one of the many examples of disgust that I have from ghettoplex.
3) The customer is always WRONG
I don't know who came up with the saying "the customer is always right", but that person was obviously an idiot. To put it nicely, customers are morons. People always complain about the line ups at the movie theatres. Well, let me tell you why those line ups are so long...
Me: Hi, what show are you seeing today?
Customer: Uhhhhhh... Uhmmmm...
I'm now looking at my screen blankly, because really, there's nothing else I can do.
Customer: That movie... with.. Who's that guy? From that movie? With the guns and the cars?
Me: Clearly annoyed. Fast Five?
Customer: No... Hmmmm... OH! I know what it was. BRIDESMAIDS.
Me: Oh... How did I not guess that?
Customer: Ha. Ha. Ha. I'm so silly.
Me: Do you have a scene points card?
Customer: A senior's card? I have a student's card!
Me: No, our points card...
Customer: Oh! YES! I do. It's in my purse somewhere here.
Customer proceeds to search through their handbag for 45 minutes for their scene card before they say...
Customer: Oh... I must not have it with me.
Me: That's fine. That'll be $18.50 for the two of you.
Customer: WHAT?! Wow. When did your prices go up?
Me: Well with HST, they were actually lowered to $9.25 each.
Customer: This is ridiculous... Fine. Whatever. Here. Hands me a one hundred dollar bill.
Me: Sorry, we actually don't accept those...
Customer: This is a legal tender. You have to accept it! It's the law!
Me: Sorry, it's just company policy. Do you have anything else you could pay with?
Customer: No, I don't. Let me speak to a manager.
I go hunt for a manager in the middle of the 6 o'clock rush.
Manager: Our company policy has a strict rule against one hundred dollar bills.
Customer: Fine. We'll just take our business else where.
Me (thinking): $@#$!@#%#%^$#*@#$@%$@*@#$!!!!!!!
Me (speaking): Can I help the next guest here? Hi, what show are you seeing today?
That's just at box office too. Now imagine that indecisiveness when you've gone to get 4 small popcorns, 12 small drinks, 3 bags of candy and 25 kids combos (yes, people actually order 25 kids combos...) Just for the person to turn around and order the large drink and large popcorn that you suggested before.
4) Stupid policies
Recently, they tried to implement the rule that you have to point at the combos when suggesting them and point to the photo of the scene card while asking for it. Why? So that they could check the cameras later and tell you off for not suggestive selling.
They also have policies on eating or drinking while customers can see you. Which I can understand... if it's not water. But no, we were not allowed to drink water in front of customers.
I did it anyways... Shhhh :)
5) The newbies
I have no problem with newbies when they're eager and do all of my work. To be quite frank, I actually LOVE it. I hate when newbies are snobby and rude. When they've worked there for a week and already complain... I've worked there for three years.
Try to complain. Try to top the complaints I've got. You know nothing. Everything you say will be ignored, voided and nulled.
I once told a newbie to quit if she hated the job so much... She didn't quit. But she did get fired. Funny how things work out.
6) Early, pointless, mind numbing meetings
Our staff meetings happen about once every 4 or 6 months. Now this, I can't complain about. At other places that I've worked, they had meetings daily and weekly. The thing that I hate about these meetings... Is that they are at 8am on Saturday mornings. With my luck, I always have some sort of event the night before which has me getting home at 2am the night before which results in me sleeping through most of the meeting. The other thing that bothers me is that
I could have attended my very first cast meeting and never attended another one from that point on in my Cineplex employment and I would have been fine.
7) Stupidest. Coworkers. Ever.
Now, don't get me wrong. I work with some amazing people, whom I love. But I also work with some of the biggest idiots on the face of the earth. Sometimes I just don't understand how they even got hired. Transfers I can understand because they weren't hired at my theatre and maybe the manager there has a soft spot for morons...
There's a guy I work with that I told I wasn't very good with a push broom when we were cleaning a theatre, because to be honest, it's the truth. I'm better at picking up cups, bags, etc. and sweeping up the piles. His response? I'm surprised that you're not good with a push broom. (Ready for why?) Because women are usually best with brooms. I just want my wife to stay home with the kids and make sandwiches for me when I get home. Do my laundry. Generally, just pick up all my crap and baby me, because really, I just want someone who'll replace my mother. (I may be exaggerating.)
It took everything inside of me to bite my tongue.
There are two other guys that I work with who are actually just unintelligent. One refuses to anything but rip tickets. Do you know how many other ridiculously easy jobs there are at Cineplex? All of them. All of the jobs are easy. I was once watching door and he stood right next to me and literally nudged me off of the door man stand. WHO DOES THAT? He does... Apparently.
The final guy is just freakin' weird. There's no other way to describe him. He once told me that my jacket was extremely stylish (or something to that effect) and I immediately wanted to rip the jacket from my body.
8) Combo #1 is HOW MUCH?!
This I will never. ever. understand. How people think that things will be cheap at a movie theatre. They are never cheap. Just the movie is $18.50 for two people. (We all know you're not going alone.) The combos are then about the same price or more. Do yourself a favour, buy a large drink and a large popcorn if you have to get something. You get a refill, you're not scammed into a full price candy. That's right, the combos are a total rip off. You save no money by getting a combo. We only suggest them because our managers tell us to. Not because it's a better deal.
So next time you order a combo, don't be surprised when your total comes to $50, your pocket lint and your left kidney. And don't complain to the person working because trust me, they didn't make the prices and they don't care if you feel that you're paying too much. Because guess what? If you were THAT outraged you wouldn't buy anything!
9) Drama Rama
For some reason, not only do I work with some of the stupidest people in my town, but I also work with some of the most dramatic. From managers dating cast members to just straight up foolishness, there is always drama.
I think I've been screamed at by coworkers (that's right, not the managers) about 4 or 5 times. For miscellaneous reasons. I told their boyfriend that I was annoyed with them. I didn't buy them or offer to get them McDonald's while I was on break. I told my manager that I found something that they said was offensive. All childish and pointless. We work together. We don't need to be BFFs, I already have 2 great ones... I really don't need any more. Just please, let me come to work and leave in peace. That is my only request.
I worked with crazies.
10) Please, do not go to the movies drunk, high or ill.
The people who work there will hate you. Why? Because we have to clean up your vomit, blood, poop and any other kind of bodily fluids that you leave in our bathrooms or on our carpet. I've cleaned up vomit 3 times in my 3 years. It's never fun.
If you come to a movie completely stoned... Just don't. Don't come to a movie completely stoned. No one likes you. You smell disgusting. You're a complete mess. You can barely form a coherent sentence.
In conclusion, after three years at Cineplex Odeon, I can definitely say...
It was real. It was nice. But it was not real nice.
Loooooool. Made my day!
ReplyDelete...and you didn't want to work at this job forever?? It sounds like it was faaaaabulous.:)
ReplyDeleteI hope that writing this was as cathartic for you as it was for me when I wrote mine. And just think--you are DONE. No more crappy job for you! YAY!!!