Sunday, June 26, 2011

Harry Potter 7: Part 2 - The Trailer

I am honestly SO EXCITED for this movie to come out. I am such a die hard fan that I just don't know what I'm going to do when it's over... Probably cry.

I was watching the new trailer that came out last week. I got so excited I actually almost threw up. 12 times. You might not believe me, but my esophagus was moving a lot and I was having a really hard time breathing. YOU TELL ME I WASN'T GOING TO THROW UP!

Anyways, I had so many emotions that I just didn't know what to do with myself. Should I cry? Laugh? Jump up and down? Pee my pants? I did all of the above, just to be sure that I didn't miss out on the entire HP experience. (This is how excited I get for every movie - even if they suck in comparison to the books.)

So, I obviously started going on a twitter rampage. Writing things on my twitter like this...

After watching it, I told some friends to watch it... More like screamed at some friends telling them to get to their nearest youtube source and watch it. The next day, my friend posted a photo on my facebook wall saying that it totally reminded her of me.

It probably reminded her of me for a very good reason...
I really don't know what I'm going to do when this series is over... Goodbye childhood/teenage/young adult years.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Life of a Lifeguard

I get home from work and the last thing I want to do is take a shower. (I just spent the whole day in the water, cut me some slack.)

Do I shower at night after work? Or in the morning before work? It all seems pointless. I'm just going to get dirty again anyways!

I am afraid of skin cancer, but constantly worry about bad tan lines.

I constantly smell like dirt and sunscreen.

I am a racist lifeguard. All the white kids know how to swim... I swear!

I spend half my day trying to stay dry. The other half, I spend wet.

I pray for rain and thunder showers. Who wants to swim in the rain?

It is not inappropriate to touch your coworkers... ALL OVER. To assist with the application of sunscreen.

Am I sunburnt? Or just really really REALLY tan?

I will get extremely irritated if I do not get my 15 minute break at the exact 2 and a half hour mark.

I make a conscious effort not to fall asleep at work. Because really, it's insanely easy to do. 

I use my whistle to cat call my coworkers. 

Shaving is avoided. (Really though... Who wants to shave every freaking day? NOT ME.)

Schedule looks like this...

9:30am - 7pm. Every. Single. Day.

Click to enlarge.
I'm going to bed after an exhausting 6 day week.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

List of 20 books I want to read

One of my goals is to make a list of 20 books to read. Right now, I only have eight books that I've picked out for this goal. Knowing that I have some excellent friends/blog followers, I'm going to ask you to recommend some books for me to read and then I'm going to tell you all about the books I've chosen! Sounds fun right?!

Here are the books I've chosen thus far:
1) Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
2) In Her Shoes - Jennifer Weiner
3) Deception Point - Dan Brown
4) Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
5) The Girls - Lori Lansens
6) My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult
7) Broken Things To Mend - Jeffrey R. Holland
8) Through His Eyes - Virginia H. Pearce

I need TWELVE books. I'm hoping to add Pride and Prejudice to the list. I just need a copy of it... All of the ones that I've listed off, I have copies of here with me in Ottawa. When I finish all of these, I plan to make a trip to Chapters. I know... Libraries. But I have this thing about owning the books that I've read. Don't judge me. Instead, recommend books to me!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I will wait... for you.

Now, what many people don't know is that I love, LOVE spoken word poetry. After my good friend, Ali performed her poetry at a school black history month assembly, I fell in love.

I usually find youtube videos, but this one my friend posted on her facebook wall and for some reason, today I wanted to listen to it again. I obviously loved it, again. I thought I would share it. It is Sunday after all, and it is quite churchie.

Hope you all had a great week!

P.S. I was just listening to this again, as I just posted it. It made me think of how many couples I know that are engaged or married. I just want to say that I hope you're happy with the person you're with and that they make you the happiest you can possibly be. That they remind you every day of the person you are and who you want to be. That they make you want to aspire to be that person. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I'm prepared to wait for that person and cheers to all those who have found them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Revolutionary Road: Love or Hate?

Now there is something I must confess... I love Leonardo DiCaprio. I have for as long as I can remember. I was only 5 years old when Titanic was released. (Wow, I feel young...) I loved Inception and Shutter Island, his more recent films.

But I just can't decide if I liked the movie Revolutionary Road.

It was released in 2008, but I didn't watch it until last night. It's basically about this couple, Frank and April, played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, who decide that they are tired of their lives in suburbia. They want to escape the routine and April wants to allow Frank to have some time to figure out a vocation that suits him. After Frank gets offered a new position at his current job, he is more hesitant to make the move to Paris. When April tells him that she's 10 weeks pregnant, Frank believes that Paris is out of the question. April suggests an abortion and Frank is outraged.

I just can't decide if I liked it though. I loved their idea of moving to Paris - so much that I almost wanted to do it myself. I love the views that Leonardo expressed on abortions. They were very similar to how I feel about them. I guess in a way, the end made sense and was a realistic depiction of what might have happened. But it wasn't the "happily ever after"ending that leaves me satisfied. It's like the movie had a weird aftertaste. Utterly dissatisfying. 

And then at the same time, I appreciate it for its realism. Because no one just lives happily ever after. No one lives life smoothly. It's just not how it is...

I just can't decide!

Have you seen it? What did you think?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Funny Fridays: Being Offended

I am so fed up with people being offended over the stupidest little things. I've heard about so much stupid drama lately and honestly, we could all live our lives without it.

If you're offended by something that someone said, suck it up. The only person who is effected by you being offended is you. And guess what? No matter how much you talk to other people about it, and rant about it. At the end of the day, you're the only person who has to live with it. Not the person who said/did it, not your friends, family, significant other or your pet goldfish (Because really, if you get offended that easily, it's probably best that you have a goldfish and not a dog that'll pee in your house or bark when you're napping.)

Click to enlarge.
So do yourself a favour and try not to get offended next time someone doesn't say something politically correct because GUESS WHAT? You're only hurting yourself.

Let it go.

P.S. Sorry that I've been slacking on blogging lately! I promise that I'm back for June!
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