Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 1: The Breaking Point

This week was hard.

People told me that for the first 2 weeks, I would hate my life... I totally underestimated that statement. For some reason, I have this illusion that I'm in the shape that I was at my prime, when I was working out twice a day, 5 days a week. That I can still do everything I did then. Even though, I now have fat where there was once muscle. I hate life when I'm working out and I want to quit every. single. time.

The "Yoga X" video was what was scheduled for last friday... I tried to do it by myself and I gave up about 15-20 minutes into the work out. It's actually the most difficult thing I have ever done. I was working my core so much in the first 15 minutes that I was shaking. It was like my entire torso had an earthquake. It probably didn't help that my cat, Misty, decided to walk up my body.

Saturday through to Tuesday, I may have worked out once. I was discouraged. I was helping my neighbour move in and as I cleaned out her fridge, I couldn't do anything! I couldn't squat, kneel, sit... I could only stand. It was brutal! But luckily she's super cool and just laughed with me at my inability to move.

On Saturday, I was getting ready to go to my neighbour's house again, and I went downstairs to grab something before I left and my leg gave out from underneath me. I slid down the rest of the stairs on my butt... Good times!

P90X wise... I decided that I can't do that every day. Anyone who has done it or tried it knows why. It's actually work out  MADNESS. It's insane. It's difficult. It pushes you to your limits. And then makes you do it again. I have decided to only do P90X two or three times a week. The other days, I'll be bike riding.

I went last night with my sister and brother. Colin took Outdoor Education at school last semester, so he's in pretty good shape. He rode his bike a like 30 minute drive one day with his class. Mad respect. We went on our bike ride, this was my second time going with Elise and Colin. It was going well. Until we passed the park that we stopped at last time. Then I started getting extremely tired, my legs were shaking, I felt like if I got off the bike I would never walk again. Every time Elise and Colin took a break, they were waiting for me to catch up and then when I got there, it was time to go again. I was dying. I told them that I was done for the day, and they said that we needed to go back to the main road so that we could head home. I complied and off we went. I could see the main road in front of us and I was ready to turn left and go home. And then... Colin and Elise turned right (#7).

I. Was. Pissed.

So as soon as they stopped, I told them again that I wanted to go back. That's when they finally agreed to head back. Then we rode back along the main road (#10). They stopped after we turned off the main road so that we could ride together again (you're never supposed to stop when you're biking on a main road). Then Colin was like "OKAY! Let's go!" And I just stopped. I actually just yelled at him and was like I need to stop and take a break right now because I haven't had a real break this whole ride and now I just want to die. Colin is a very determined guy, kind of like my dad in that sense. He finishes what he starts, so he rode off a bit ahead of Elise and I. Elise just was like come over here, give me a hug. That's when I looked something like this...

I was just tired from the day, I didn't want to be doing this anymore. Elise took charge and grabbed my ipod to put on some motivational music. It was Mumford & Sons. Of course! One of my all time favourite bands. 

With Mumford & Sons playing in my ear, I biked home and completed our 16km bike ride and burned a total of approximately 1500 calories. (That's THREE whole entire Big Macs!)

I totally got my butt kicked yesterday, but this morning I woke up feeling so happy that I finished the ride. AND! My muscles weren't sore! So today, I'm going again after Elise gets home. Next week, I'll let you know if there are anymore "breaking points". But I think the worst is behind us. 


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