Friday, April 6, 2012

Funny Fridays: The Grammar Nazi

I should be doing many things aside from posting on my blog...

Cleaning my room.
Doing laundry.
Sorting my mail.
Doing laundry.

Being the queen of procrastination that I am; I decided that it was a Good Friday for a Funny Friday.

Today, I would like to post about grammar. I must say that I am shocked at how many people my age and older still do not understand the difference between they're, their and there. I swear we went through this in grade school. Early on, not grade seven or eight.

THEY'RE - They are.
THERE - To indicate a place or location. Note: Similar spelling to where.
THEIR - Used to indicate possession. Example: Their poo smelled very bad.

Why am I such a grammar nazi? Probably because I'm french. I've had so many lessons on grammar in French, that I'm amazed at how many people mess up their homonyms in English. (It is seriously the easiest language ever.) Also, most of these people don't even speak another language! I can understand if English is not your first language... If you can only read and write in English, at least try to be good at it.

Commas, proper use of homonyms, saying declarative sentences with declarative tones can make you sound and look exponentially more intelligent than you actually are! I love the spoken and written word, but some people just ruin it for all of us. They ruin it alot. Now I love Hyperbole and a Half. It's a great blog that I love to follow. Why? Because she is SO FUNNY and her drawings are always bang on.

The last thing I would like to share for today is The Dramatic Reading of a Break Up Letter. Some of you may be familiar with this as it has been up for quite some time, but I just laugh every single time. I can't even stop myself. And I reference it quite a bit... So if you ever see me, feel free to make a reference and watch me explode with joy/laughter.

I hope you're all having a lovely Easter weekend with your families!

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