Monday, October 10, 2011

A successful shopping story.

In preparation for my first day on the job, I went out with my friend Shop Girl to get some new clothes. I needed some dress pants and black flats. I can say that we had a great day shopping. She was looking for some maternity pants because she is having a baby girl and she's at that point where it's difficult to get off our couches without assistance. Hahaha.

We went to Old Navy and I suddenly remembered why I don't shop there anymore... Their pants are way too short for me. I am not even that tall either! But Shop Girl had great success there, she got the maternity jeans she was looking for. She even avoided the mom jeans that are in rich supply at Old Navy.

After that, we went to a few other stores one which was Reitmans. I'm not usually a huge fan of Reitmans because... well, my mom shops there. And it feels weird going to stores that my mom shops at. But I needed dress pants. So, I sucked it up. I found a great pair of pants, they were just a little small around my waist, so I asked for the next size up. They didn't have any in the entire store! I tried on the long in the size up... But I am not THAT tall.
Pants - Reitmans
They called the location closest to my house, no luck. They called the location down the street, success! They would hold it for me for the rest of the day! So happy! I then found a sweater for my mom, that she obviously loved. I bought the sweater and we went on our merry way to Payless. We tried on some shoes and didn't really find what we were looking for.

We then moved on the H&M where I found this lovely piece.

Scarf - H&M; Long Sleeve Shirt - H&M
The shirt is old, I've had it for years. But the scarf... SWOON! I have a friend Sara who bought herself a scarf somewhat similar to this in Spain that I have been seriously coveting. I've been looking for something similar since I first laid eyes on it. I finally found my Canadian version of Sara's scarf. My wardrobe does not have enough outfits for this to go with. I seriously want to wear this gem every single day.

I literally skipped and danced over to the register and as I went to pay, I realized that I didn't have the sweater I bought my mom anymore... I turned to Shop Girl, "Where's the sweater I bought my mom?" She instantly began to brainstorm ideas for a solution. "Do you know where you left it? Do you want me to go back and look right now?" I was sure I left it in Payless so I calmly paid for my scarf in H&M and we walked across the hall to Payless. There it was, sitting in the aisle. Turns out I am my mother's daughter after all. She loses her wallet and keys ALL the time. It's at the point now that when my mom loses her wallet or keys, no one freaks out. Because it's really not a big deal.

Then we went and got Chinese food in the food court which was absolutely magical. I seriously love Chinese food. Thinking about it right now is making my mouth water a little bit.

I've been shopping a lot lately, aside from this specific outing which was a lot of fun. Why you ask? Well, do we all remember the BFF Brittany? She's getting married this Friday! I've been putting together all of my accessories for this wedding. And you could say that I will be the second prettiest girl there... :)

These are the shoes I bought for the wedding!

Shoes - Winners
I also got a clutch to hold everything, up to and including the kitchen sink, all of which a good maid of honour needs. Feel free to comment with some ideas of things I should bring!

Click to enlarge.
Clutch - Random Store (hahaha)
Lastly, I haven't bought anything for me in forever... I've bought things for the wedding, I've bought things for work. But not very many things for me. So I splurged and got myself a pair of boots. I didn't even spend a lot of money, I just really liked them. It felt like I spoiled myself.

Boots - Marshalls
How are we feeling about my purchases? I love them all SO MUCH! I'm so excited to get my first paycheque and buy myself some new clothes again! I'll have to put clothes into my budget. I cannot just binge and purge on my clothing diet.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE EVERYTHING YOU BOUGHT!!!! And I'll allow the copy-cat scarf ;) And I adore that clutch and obviously your shoes are fantastic! When I am home for Christmas, we need to go shopping because I am having withdrawal and I want shoes :)

    If you have everything I told you about for inside the clutch, a kitchen sink might not be a bad idea, then I think you are all set!!


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