Friday, October 12, 2012

Being The Most Interesting Interviewee...

Since I have been home from Ottawa, I have been looking for a job. Looking for a job may be a loose interpretation, but nonetheless, I landed myself an interview at Walmart after I got a tip from one of their current employees.

One of the managers called me on Wednesday, asked me a series of questions and informed me that they would like to see me for a group interview. Now, I hate group interviews... But the reason why is another story in and of itself... But to say the least, I was anxious. I was nervous going into it that I wouldn't have the opportunity to show off my skills in the work field. (Something I love to do, I'm about as vain as a peacock.) But really, in an interview, you have to be able to sell yourself or you're not going to get the job. So I went in, knowing that I would have to make an impression on the people conducting the interview.

To skip over the more boring parts of the interview, I'll just get straight to the fun part.

We were placed in pairs and we were given the most ridiculous products they could find in the store and asked us to sell it to a specific individual. My partner and I had the joy of selling a Darth Maul alarm clock to a grandma... I had no idea what to do. I do not do sales. My partner and I examined the packaging and determined that the only way this would have any appeal to a grandma would be if they were buying it for their grandchild. So, we went with that. As the other groups began presenting, they were all acting their sales pitch out. I turned to my partner and asked him if he wanted to act this out. He agreed that it was probably best and I put on my improv face. I haven't done any improv acting since high school... And even then, it wasn't the best. I was far more appreciated in choir.

Our turn came and I explained that we were given this ridiculous alarm clock and that I would be playing a grandma... As I hunched over and began to speak with a Brittish accent. The entire panel of managers roared. They laughed so hard! I asked my partner things like "What is Star Wars?" "Is this appropriate for my grandson? He's 10." We ended the scene when I had accepted the product. I literally got a round of applause and as I shook their hands to leave, one of the members of the panel referred to me as "The Queen". I nearly died.

I obviously focused on being very professional and put together at all other moments of the interview. Hahahaha. Honestly, if they don't want to hire me after that hilarity, I don't know what else I could have done to convince them. My sense of humor is obviously my best quality, in my humble opinion.

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