I know that I have technically been an adult for 2 years now, but I actually feel like a grown up now. I mean not very many people take 18 or 19 year olds very seriously... Heck, I didn't take myself very seriously. I've never really felt like life was passing me by until today. Did I blink? Is this what all the old people keep talking about?
And this is last year's guide... AH! |
I feel that I've learned a lot in the last 10 years. I've done a lot of personal growth and I find it seriously amazing that I have come to the point in my life where people come to me for advice... Yeah. I know. What are these people thinking? Anyways, for my birthday, I thought I would share some of my 20 year old wisdom with you all.
Let it all go. If there is anything I know for sure, it's that very, very few things are in your control. What offends people, who you remain close with, the opportunities you are denied or given... The only things you can control is your attitude and how you choose to act. The rest you have to let go. The bitterness is self-inflicted and you are the only one stopping you from being the happiest you've ever been. Stop holding grudges, being offended, saying mean things about people... Just live your life! (Thanks Rihanna.)
Be kind. This is something that has been more recently, can we all just stop hating each other? Is that so difficult? Stop talking about people behind their backs. Don't say mean things about people! If you wouldn't want someone saying that about you, then maybe you shouldn't be saying it...
Not only have I learned the importance of being kind to others, I have learned to be kind to myself. We are our biggest critics and you need to learn to LET GO of all the small things you don't like about yourself. A small thing that I don't like about myself, that I will share, are my eyebrows. They are monstrous when I do not weed whack them. I hate them. A lot. They're a pain in the butt. I've accepted that I have huge eyebrows and have found a miraculous woman to tame them for me. (If you want her contact info, message me. She is amazing.) Sure, a lot of things that we don't like about ourselves are not so easily resolved as finding a great aesthetician but you can learn to deal with them. When it comes to character flaws, you need to learn to forgive yourself for your short comings. No one is perfect. I know women struggle with their appearances, but God makes no mistakes. You are beautiful.
While I could go on for days about all the things I have learned, I will stop here. I hope you're all having a fabulous day! Also, happy birthday America... Your party is always so much cooler than mine...