Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny Fridays: Le Rage

Since I have had my iphone, I have downloaded one of my favourite apps of all time. This would be the rage comics app. Now what is a rage comic? I'm sure you're all familiar with my Harry Potter vs. Twilight and all the lovely photos I posted. It's quite a bit like that, except that people use situations that happened in real life. I can't even believe some of them are true, but they are still so funny.

So, I've collected a few of my favourites to share with you today! I hope you enjoy them. (Click to enlarge any of the photos!)

So basically, this is what has been filling my time outside of blogging these last few months... I mean really, is this not hilarious? Don't you ALL want iphones now?!

Happy weekend!

See more rage comics here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

63. Get my ears pierced

Completed: November 24, 2011

When I was growing up, I never had a desire to get my ears pierced. All through elementary school, I didn’t care to have it done. Elise had her ears pierced when we were quite young. She was about 10 or 12. I remember sitting in the waiting area of my mom’s hair salon. Elise promising Joe that she would get both ears pierced no matter how much the first one hurt. Then there was the loud sound of the piercing gun; then there were screams, then some tears and then a combination of the two. I remember distinctly going all the way home with Elise crying her eyes out. It was traumatizing…

And from that point forward, I was afraid of piercings.

I went through high school and a lot of people didn’t notice that I didn’t have my ears pierced, and it never bothered me that I didn’t. People who did notice were a bit awestruck by it and I’m sure some of them thought it had something to do with my strong religious beliefs… But it actually had a lot to do with a childhood trauma.

My sister went to Calgary, Alberta to live for a while. And when she came back she was 100% out of her tomboy phase. Which meant really cute outfits… with really cute earrings. That I couldn’t wear. There were so many times where I looked at a pair of earrings and longed to pair then with a certain shirt, or dress, or scarf. Oh, I wanted them so bad. But I was so scared of the actual piercing that I didn’t go for about a year.

After my best friend was married and I didn’t have great earrings to show off with my tied back hair, I told Elise that I wanted to get them done. That way, I could wear earrings to her wedding (whenever it may be…)

Elise and I decided to spontaneously have a sister movie night. Just as we were about to walk out the door, Elise said to me “Hey, why don’t we go get your ears pierced tonight?” And I was like, “Ha………… Okay.” Elise had spotted a place next to our nail salon that does tattoos and piercings. A lot of people, since I’ve had it done, have asked me why I decided on a tattoo parlor over Claire’s or some other store in the mall. My answer would be that because this is something that could seriously damage my ears, give me a really disgusting infection and even just hurt a lot more than necessary, I wanted someone who does this as a living to do it for me. Not someone who had a crash course on it after  learning how to sell cheap jewelry to pre-teen girls.

Unfortunately, our nail salon is in one of the sketchiest plazas in my town. Which did make me a little nervous about my decision to “see a professional in the field.” (You’d think I was picking a doctor or something…) But I walked into the parlor and said to the tatted and pierced employee. “I, uh… want to get my ears pierced?” She could definitely tell I was nervous because I could not stop talking. It was just a never-ending fountain of words coming from my mouth. My sister obviously thought it was hilarious. Then Lexie, the name I just made up for her, cleaned my ears, and placed a black dot on my ear lobes. She asked me if I liked where they were placed. I looked in the mirror and I was never more terrified in my life. Lexie then took a piercing needle (see below) and shoved it through my ear. It was just a bit of a pinch but because she was piercing on my ear, I could actually hear the flesh tearing. That was special…

Then Lexie left the needle hanging in my ear for 30 seconds, which was the weirdest feeling EVER. She did that while she got my new extremely fashionable (ha…) earrings all set to put in my ears. (See photo below.) Then Lexie did the other ear and it was done. Elise and I left and went to the movie. Throughout the entire movie all I could feel was my heart beating in my ears. It was actually more painful after the piercing than during. I honestly didn’t think that that would be how it worked out but… I guess having an inanimate object hanging out through a piece of flesh would hurt a little bit more than it going in. The initial shock wouldn’t hurt as much. (This is coming from Dr. Bee, who has an official degree from Grey’s Anatomy school of Medical Science.)

Since that night, Elise bought me a pair of lovely Swarovski earrings. Plain in design, but they are honestly so pretty and I love them so much. I just started wearing them. I was really excited that my ears were finally ready to take on a new set of earrings, so I decided on valentine’s day that I was going to spice up my life and wear my cute new earrings. I also decided that I would change my earrings for the first time by myself… Yeah, I had to call Elise at work to talk me through it because it was so difficult! She laughed at me. And told me to put my ugly earrings back in.

It has been great fun! Now I am on the hunt for the perfect pair of feather earrings. (I am very picky!) Let me know where you have found yours!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

January: A Summary

My life has become so hectic. I don't even know when it got so busy. Or the last time that I was this busy.

Regardless, this month didn't do so well on my goals. Let's review.

17. Read 15 general conference talks - No... I have been reading my Book of Mormon though!
97. See 2 “cultured” events in Toronto - YES! See posts on this soon!
87. Write myself a letter to open in 10 years - No, although I feel that this would be appropriate to do soon.
80. Replace the photos in my room with new ones - I'm going to start collecting photos for this today.
70. Reverse pick-pocket someone - No...
59. Get my G license - I tried to set my appointment but it won't work on my MacBook for some reason...
29. Stop having fast food for a month - This FAILED. I love fast food.. Dang it! But I did cut down a lot. Maybe next month?
30. Drink only water, real fruit juice and milk for a month - YES!
38. Make a ridiculously good-looking dessert - No.
39. Direct a piece in choir that I love - I have the music, now just to actually do it! I'm so excited!
32. Sign my organ donor card - I really need to do this. I've been watching Grey's anatomy and I really, really want to do it.

The 2 Yes's of this month will have posts done for them... This week? I hope!

My days are just so filled lately. I work at noon everyday and then get off at 7:30pm... It's late, I know. I have the whole morning to blog and what not. But I've been going to the gym (and seeing results!!!) and then getting ready for work. I like to take things easy in the morning, it's just nicer that way. 

Some exciting news/events/etc from this month:
1. My ears are almost healed. Which means that soon enough I will (finally) get to wear the Swarovski earrings my sister got me for Christmas! I am so excited about this.

2. I've been going to the gym almost every day of the week. And I can see that I'm losing weight. Now the scale is not showing it yet. But seeing the inches go is just as fun! Any tips on workouts and fat burn? I need to work on my diet this month... I seriously just eat whatever I want, as much as I want, whenever I want it. Which, in case you didn't know, is usually not good for your body.

3. I got my photos! The ones I came home from Ottawa to take way back in August. They are so freaking beautiful. I can't even pretend that I don't think so. I just want to stare at myself all day long... I'm so vain.

4. I am planning a trip to Arizona for the summer. I have a jar full of cash that is hot glued shut. I am so serious about this trip. I am so excited!

5. I am going to school in the fall! I've been accepted to not one, but two colleges. So the way my educational path is looking right now... 2 years of college. Followed by an advance standing in university. Ideally starting there in a 3rd year of a Social Work program. Then a Master's. Then EMPLOYMENT! I am going to be so poor... Oh my goodness.

6. I got my hair done! After taking photos, I realized how much longer it is now than it used to be... See photos below:
Then. Note: So much shorter!
Now. P.S. Am I the only one who can see that I've lost weight in my face? Is that just me? SO EXCITING!
I just thought I would catch you all up on my life. 

So now, I just have to commit to blogging more often. And let's bring back funny fridays. Oh my goodness, I miss those.

Have a great weekend!

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