Completed: February 7, 2010
I don't know why I really wanted to do this. I guess it's because I have such a hard time covering my entire testimony in a 2-5 minute talk. I got to make a list that reflected just a few things that I love about my church. The church just makes me so happy and it honestly gives me the strength and courage, I feel, that I need every day. I had the opportunity to make this list with one of my very close friends, who is pretty new to the church. How did we show our Heavenly Father that we're grateful to have this knowledge? List off some of the truths that help us get by day to day. It was easy as ABC.

Atonement & Articles of Faith
Book of Mormon
Celestial Kingdom
Doctrine & Covenants
Eternal Families
Fasting, Family Home Evening & First Vision
General Conference & Genealogy
Immersion (Baptism)
Joseph Smith
Kirtland & King James Version
Living Prophet
Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Missionaries
Nauvoo (I actually *LOVE* Nauvoo)
Ordinances (Temple)
Patriarchal Blessings, Plan of Salvation & Priesthood
Questions Answered & Quorum of the Twelve
Spirit & Standard Works
Testimony & Temples
Urim and Thummim
Visiting Teaching
Word of Wisdom
X-altation (This one was a stretch...)
Youth/YSA Programs
Zero Doubt & Zion
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